Monday, October 10, 2011


War against terror world-wide
Battleground states
Presidential race: GOP vs. GOP, Dems vs. GOP;
--any battle fatigue yet?
Social networking: Google+ vs. Facebook
Tablets: Amazon Kindle Fire vs. Apple iPad2
Movie streaming: Netflix vs. Amazon, Hulu, MSFT Xbox 360
Bulls vs. bears
European financial crisis
Boeing vs. NLRB over the right to survive financially
War on poverty
Fight for jobs --the jobs front
What's happening on the illiteracy front?
Intra-family fights and inter-family feuds
Families united against evil
“Battle of the bulge”
Drug wars, street gangs, and gun-running gone amok
OWS (new initialism for Occupy Wall Street) vs. whatever!?
Muslim Brotherhood vs. Coptic Christians in Egypt
Born-again Christians vs. other Christians
God vs. Satan
High Noon (analogy)