Friday, December 31, 2010

Goal / Resolution

When it comes to goals and resolutions, we know the pros and cons, benefits and pitfalls.  I wish there were a fast way to review them all, at least to organize my own thinking; (that's one of my goals).

The following definitions are from The Random House Dictionary of the English Language (Unabridged Edition) ©1969 (a huge battered book serving as the perfect footrest under my desk.)  It would be interesting to compare with current definitions online.

goal (n.)  1. the result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end. [plus 5 sports-related definitions.]  --Syn.  1. target; purpose, object, objective, intent, intention.  2. [sports] finish.

resolution (n.)  2. a resolve or determination.  3. the act of resolving or determining, as upon an action or course of action, method, procedure, etc.  4. the mental state or quality of being resolved or resolute; firmness of purpose.  --Syn.  4. resolve, determination, perseverance, tenacity; strength, fortitude.

The next three books I wanted to share before another boxful goes to recycling at the Layton library (a partner in the fight against OCH, an OCD).
Think Uno on its 40th anniversary with Mattel:  Dr. Sheehan on Running, ©1975 by George S., pg 185 (ch. 16, Work and Play): "In play you can totally commit yourself to a goal that minutes later is completely forgotten."
Hyrum Smith shared his experience as Explorer advisor in Where Eagles Rest, ©1982, pg 84.  Offering them a trip to Hawaii, he required that they memorize a poem: "There is no chance, no destiny, no fate that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul."  The group proceeded to earn enough money to pay for their unforgettable trip.
The Magic of Getting What You Want, ©1983 by David Schwartz, pg 226 (ch. 9, How to Come Back to Life and Enjoy it More): "Choose friends who look ahead, who have dreams, people who want to make life better.  Avoid folks who delight in telling you how bad life is and has been."

Wade Cook's "DON'T SET GOALS" [... The Old Way, ©1997] is without a doubt one of the very best.  --
Oscar Wilde wrote:  "A New Year's resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other.''  It's true; statistics confirm ...  --  designed a fast lesson I love for kids. 
"Grade Levels: 4 - 8:  ...  What is a resolution?  A resolution is a promise  ... that you make to yourself!  It is a tradition for people to make resolutions at the beginning of a new year. ...  One sort of resolution has to do only with oneself.  You might decide to lose weight, to stop eating candy, to exercise more, or to watch less TV. ...  You could resolve to be more patient with your little brother, to be more helpful to your mom, or not to get into fights with your friends.  Some resolutions are about school and the outside world, such as getting to class on time, trying for better grades, or not teasing the neighbor's dog.  If you manage to keep these promises, it will make you feel better about yourself.  So, it's important not to make wild resolutions that are too difficult to follow.  Your promises to yourself should not be too hard to keep."
(Sage advice -- even for some of us adults!)  Have a prosperous New Year!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Fast-Forward 2010

This one's for me, and not a family newsletter; however, "the world is welcome here" (SLC theme for 2002 Olympics).  In the process of introspection (see "Two Weeks" posted 12/18) , while celebrating Christmas and preparing for 2011, I pause to review this year.  I'm thinking in random topical order, not chronological order; and as usual, with no attempt to be complete.

Our four youngest grandchildren were born (one on May 22nd and three on July 29th) -- what joy and increase in love!
We returned to Vancouver BC, via the San Juan Islands and Victoria, for a heavenly visit to the temple open house.
I made two trips to PA (near Scranton, "Pennsylvania's Progressive City") to visit our "baby" daughter and family: 2 weeks in Feb. (alone) by plane & bus, and 3 weeks in June (we two) by car (wow!)
Our new lawn survived the long vacation, and we survived our second summer on the frontier --mosquitoes and all.  The yard work was a shock after we were spoiled by hired help in Ogden during 4 years of "the easy life".
We acquired many nice neighbors and friends with a surprising boom in new home construction around us.
We stayed active in our church by accepting opportunities to serve.
I started our own company and actually got clients and income.
A business associate and good friend, Phil, maintained contact despite a difficult move from Idaho Falls to a spacious home in Southern California; and survived the recent deluge.
"It's a Wonderful Life" -- (Yes, we watched it again --probably the 40th time.)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Cards

After writing this post, I got my first glimpse of Google looking like Christmas cards!  So I wasn't the only one with that tradition in mind.  My follower will remember some of these people who sent Christmas greetings years ago:

"Some of our dearest friends are unseen.  ... gift from above:  ANGELS"  
-- Laurie & K. F.

"Happy New Millennium"  -- Dean & Diane and children, Layton, 1999

"We're all happy and healthy ...  Brian graduated from BYU [congrats!] ...  Rebecca returned from her mission to Texas -- going to the University of Utah [good choice!] ...  Lars is still on his mission in Micronesia ..." 
-- Cliff & Lynne and children, EMC, 1999

"So from Edmond, Oklahoma
Our new home, we're glad to call,
We extend our love to you,
-- The Jones Family

"He shall feed his flock like a shepherd:
he shall gather the lambs with his arm,
and carry them in his bosom ..."  (Isaiah 40:11)
-- Jonathan & Clare and children, LA area, CA

"This picture was taken in Jerusalem by Golgotha where the Savior was crucified."  -- Willis & Marie, SLC, 1980

"We were so sorry to miss your open house ...  Our ward will always consider you 'part ours'.  We love you!  ... happiness in the New Year."  
-- Elinor & Richard, SLC

"We're very blessed ...  We're expecting #4 in May and really thrilled. Give our love to friends & family ..."  -- Russ & Betsy and children

"Christmas 1998" newsletter
"Edgar A. Guest was a 'home-spun' poet of your Grandmother's day.  He was my 'folk hero'. ...  About Christmas, Mr. Guest wrote:
'If we had spiritual photographers available we should all rush out and make our appointments for the Christmas Season, because that is when our spirits (and our minds and hearts) would be, or should be, the most beautiful. ...  At Christmas time, our spirits ... are or should be concentrating on others -- what we can do to bring a little happiness to our families and to others. ...'
Please have a wonderful Christmas and a beautiful spiritual picture that will please your parents and extended families.  Love always, Gramma H..."  SLC

Now I wish I could recall the Christmas goodies delivered to our door every year.  I do remember they were all delicious --prepared and shared with love.  Fast food can't hold a candle to them!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Take a Deep Breath

With only a few days left (as many see it), are we starting to feel stressed-out over Christmas?   Having paused for a lunch break, I can offer some quick advice:  Stop and take a deep breath.

To help us, I found a fun website and picked a few examples:
Find phrases in movies and series.
"Take a deep breath" has been found in 443 phrases from 387 movies and series.

"Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones" (2002)
"You're sweating. Relax. Take a deep breath."
"Impossible to see the future is."

"Grease" (1978)
01:37:27  Don't you know what you must do?
01:37:32  Hold your head high
01:37:34  Take a deep breath and sigh... - Come on, Sandy.
01:37:39  Goodbye
01:37:41  To Sandra Dee

"Groundhog Day" (1993)
"Friends don't let friends drive. Stand up here. Take a deep breath."

"The Fugitive" (1993)
01:06:21 Check the film on that kid.
01:06:26 Take a deep breath.
01:06:28 Inhale, exhale. Again.
01:06:30 Slowly.

[ I just happened to pick two from 1993!  --was that a good year for movies, or what?]

"2012" (2009)
01:15:07 Sasha, now! - Okay, okay. Take a deep breath.
01:15:10 Pull!
01:15:13 Come on, baby.

"Men in Black II" (2002)
00:20:15 What?
00:20:17 Funny.
00:20:19 Take a deep breath. Everything is all right.

There.   Now do we feel better?   And a little fast food would help as well.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Two Weeks

If I were a student or school teacher starting two weeks of vacation today, what would I do?  (in addition to skiing 3 or 4 days, of course.)

1.  Introspectively at year end, I'd ask, "Where have I been this year?" (besides the East); "Why am I here now?" (not just the Layton frontier); and, "Where am I going next year?" (including the Oregon Coast, I hope.)

2.  Celebrate!  (Being out of school is really something!)
Last night, with close friends in the Conference Center, we were thrilled by David Archuleta, a gifted young man who sang his heart out like I never imagined.  I felt inspired by Michael York, a professional actor who recited Luke 2 and one other remarkable story.  It was a heart-warming way to remember Christ's birth and all that Christmas means to us.  "He will bring us goodness and light."  --Familiar old song
I would celebrate (study) the life and writings of Joseph Smith, the prophet of the Restoration, who was born December 23, 1805.  Through a humble farm boy, God ushered in the long-promised "dispensation of the fulness of times".  (Ephesians 1:10)

3.  Prepare for the New Year!
I see a door opening in front of me, like key images in the film "Temple Grandin".  It's a true story of an autistic young woman, who turned her unique visual thinking to her advantage, with help from her determined mother and a science teacher.
Temple Grandin (born August 29, 1947) is an American doctor of animal science and professor at [CSU], bestselling author, and consultant ...
The Learning Style of People with Autism: An Autobiography (1995). ...
Ph.D. in Animal Science from the University of Illinois in 1989.

And maybe I will try snowboarding before year end (in my dreams!)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Final Four

Some may suspect I'm already getting excited about April 2 and 4, 2011
(Countdown: 108 days, 2 hrs) at Reliant Stadium in Houston, Texas -- 
Host: University of Houston / Rice University
m-baskbl/...    -- but my follower knows better.

These four complete my 3-part series of "simple suggestions" for Christmas:

9.  Music -- listen and perform to your heart's content.
Recall your favorites from the past.  Play an LP, 8-track, cassette tape, CD, iTune, your piano and guitar; or attend a live concert like we enjoyed at "The Ridge" Monday night.  Go caroling in the cold -- it will warm your spirit. 
We especially love the King's Singers, who will be "performing in Exeter's beautiful Cathedral" this Saturday (UK).

10.  Attend the church of your choice and meet a new friend.  Say a kind word to someone.

11.  Put a dollar or more in the Salvation Army bucket. 
The one December day I rang the bell in front of ZCMI with fellow Salt Lake Kiwanians, helped me appreciate the SA, which rescues so many throughout the year.

12.  Give thanks.  Need I say more?

That makes twelve; but I have a feeling there are more.  So I leave out the rest for you to share.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Next Simple Set

Last Friday my first four "Simple Suggestions" included:  remembering Jesus, sharing joy, Santa Claus (giving), and family traditions.  The next set is not in any special order --kind of like my shopping plans.

5. Enjoy food!  (I knew you were looking for that.)
In our own little Cannon family, we have always loved the Christmas morning feast, especially grapefruit, before presents are opened.

6. Do your shopping before 6:00 pm Christmas Eve.
I learned the hard way several years ago, as I drove home from work on Christmas Eve.  Having waited for last-minute specials, I panicked when stores were closing their doors in front of me as I drove into the parking lots.  True story!  Lucky for me, it was before the Twelve Days which end on January 6, Kings Day (Epiphany).  I love that tradition my mother promoted.  She opposed the popular practice of cutting Christmas short.

7. Take pictures/videos for priceless memories.
I must find my VHS tape of Christmas 1996, with our daughters in our cozy Hobbs Creek home; that alone is worth the $95 spent on a used two-pack video camera.  And I'd love to dig into the archives for those photo prints of our three sons eagerly opening their presents in our East Mill Creek home.  Happy days!

8. Sisters, read Christmas stories to the children, including your husband.
Brothers, be tender and loving; help keep the peace.  Remember Luke 2 (our favorite).

May you have joy, and some healthy Christmas goodies!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Simple Suggestions

You may call these Christmas rules (double meaning), or ideas.  They may be difficult to do, but they are simply stated.  I can think of twelve -- too many for one post; so I split into three.  (Be patient --the food part is coming.)

1. Remember Christ, our Savior --His birth and life. 
If not, at least believe in love, and be grateful that Jesus taught followers to love, not hate.

2. Share in the joy. 
It’s the perfect time to love your neighbor, especially your family, no matter what your beliefs.  Even sad cynics should see the benefits and enjoy.

3. Believe in Santa Claus (or Samichlaus, if you're in Switzerland)
--the spirit of giving (a miracle, like "on 34th Street").  Yes, I still believe!
(I know this gets personal, and there are opposing views, so this is one man’s.)

4. Start or strengthen your own family traditions. 
Do you and “yours” know them?

Let’s continue the conversation with those around us.  And not so fast, OK?

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Break for Christmas

For a little diversion from work, I dug into my WWII-standard file cabinet to grab December journals.  Although I'm still trying to fit everything "worth saving" into it, I still love my well-organized, legal-size "tank" with five full drawers.

With Andy singing, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year” (so true), I found some 1987 entries I’d like to share with my follower, who understands my quirks.  (Thanks to for days of the week.)

Tues. 12/15  Kay & Spencer delivered Christmas stories and gifts.
Wed. 12/16  Kay read us a great Christmas story.
Fri. 12/18  [Sons] still wanting me to set up train.
Sat. 12/19  Helped [sons] set up train in [bedroom].  Family to theatre: "Here's Love" ("Miracle on 34th St.") with Gordon Jump --at PVP. [Promised Valley Playhouse in downtown SLC]
[Searched history and found:]
Orpheum Theatre, Promised Valley Playhouse -- 132 South State --
1905, Carl M. Neuhausen, SLC (a German-born architect who planned several well-known Utah buildings, including The Cathedral of the Madeleine and the Thomas Kearns Mansion.)

Tues. 12/22  [With in-laws] at Hale Centre Theatre [in old SLC building, to see] "Scrooge" (excellent!)
Thur. 12/24  Christmas pageant with Evans in stable [in NSL, I guess, not Boulderville].  Dinner at Evans' -- enjoyed a nice long visit.
Take to ranch: "Lullaby of Christmas" and Christmas music ... Vit. C ...
[Googled to find my favorite:] "Lullaby of Christmas" 1948 LP recording narrated by Gregory Peck.  [Result:] Our Vinyl Records Music List --
LP Loretta Young & Gregory Peck The Littlest Angel And Lullaby Of Christmas Decca Records DL 78009 1948 VG/VG Holiday Visual Grade ...

Friday, December 25, 1987
Breakfast.  Happy excited children!  Enjoyed reading book Curtis gave me:  Three From Galilee [: The Young Man from Nazareth, c. 1985] about young Jesus growing up. 
[Google found:]  Marjorie Holmes's fictionalized retelling of the life of Jesus covers a period overlooked by the Gospels - the "lost years" between age 12, when Jesus debated the elders in the temple, to the age of 30, when he actually began his ministry.  --

We all ate tons of candy & snacks.  (Surprised we didn't get sick!)

12/8/10  I enjoyed my "fast-food" lunch break with red&green&white-frosted pretzels, "Chestnuts roasting ..." (radio), and loving memories of good times.  Give yourself a break for Christmas!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Five More Hints

On this big Christmas shopping weekend, I recall my "Five Forever Favorites" posted 11/12/10, which in retrospect was a start on my list for Santa.  I better finalize the list now before being tempted by all the entertaining, creative marketing in full swing.

Hints for Santa

Fast food (energy) compatible with my desktop PC (oatmeal raisin cookies, e.g.) (-- Remember the chocolate and crackers.)
Black socks
White pillow covers
USB 2.0 extender cable for my SD digital card reader/writer (a favorite thing)
New-release non-fiction paperback book (Surprise me!)

Now I won't need to handwrite a list like I did in my youth, or mail it to the North.  (On second thought, maybe I should Email it just in case:

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Even Numbers

I was just thinking, "What's an odd subject I haven't written about?"
Then it came to me:  Even numbers, like 12/2/2010, 4/6/1830, decades, centuries, millenniums, our street address, number of grandchildren, my birth date and birth year.

[Definition, thanks to:]
In mathematics, the parity of an object states whether it is even or odd. 
... divisible by 2 and always end with a digit of 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8

parity [noun]
2. (mathematics) a relation between a pair of integers: if both integers are odd or both are even they have the same parity; if one is odd and the other is even they have different parity; "parity is often used to check the integrity of transmitted data"   --

Historical Events on 2nd [of] December
1804 - Napoleon Bonaparte crowned emperor of France in Paris by Pope ...
2006 Cuba:  Fidel Castro’s eightieth [80] birthday.  Raúl Castro attends ...

 [Googled:] world events in year 1202  [like 12/2]
What I found reminded me of a 2010 movie with one of my favorite actors; but the story and script were disappointing.  Also, it would have helped to know more of the history before watching.

French King Philip II joined Richard I on the Third Crusade [1189 to 1192].
Richard was freed in 1194 [in Austria] and ... went to war with the French.
His brother John signed a treaty with Philip (1200).
Apr 28th [4/28/1202] - King Philip II throws out John … from France.
Philip conquered Normandy (1204).
John … was defeated by Philip at the Battle of Bouvines (1214).
Britannica Concise Encyclopedia: Philip II

There you have it – math and history lessons rolled into one odd post (#17), published at an odd time.