Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Cards

After writing this post, I got my first glimpse of Google looking like Christmas cards!  So I wasn't the only one with that tradition in mind.  My follower will remember some of these people who sent Christmas greetings years ago:

"Some of our dearest friends are unseen.  ... gift from above:  ANGELS"  
-- Laurie & K. F.

"Happy New Millennium"  -- Dean & Diane and children, Layton, 1999

"We're all happy and healthy ...  Brian graduated from BYU [congrats!] ...  Rebecca returned from her mission to Texas -- going to the University of Utah [good choice!] ...  Lars is still on his mission in Micronesia ..." 
-- Cliff & Lynne and children, EMC, 1999

"So from Edmond, Oklahoma
Our new home, we're glad to call,
We extend our love to you,
-- The Jones Family

"He shall feed his flock like a shepherd:
he shall gather the lambs with his arm,
and carry them in his bosom ..."  (Isaiah 40:11)
-- Jonathan & Clare and children, LA area, CA

"This picture was taken in Jerusalem by Golgotha where the Savior was crucified."  -- Willis & Marie, SLC, 1980

"We were so sorry to miss your open house ...  Our ward will always consider you 'part ours'.  We love you!  ... happiness in the New Year."  
-- Elinor & Richard, SLC

"We're very blessed ...  We're expecting #4 in May and really thrilled. Give our love to friends & family ..."  -- Russ & Betsy and children

"Christmas 1998" newsletter
"Edgar A. Guest was a 'home-spun' poet of your Grandmother's day.  He was my 'folk hero'. ...  About Christmas, Mr. Guest wrote:
'If we had spiritual photographers available we should all rush out and make our appointments for the Christmas Season, because that is when our spirits (and our minds and hearts) would be, or should be, the most beautiful. ...  At Christmas time, our spirits ... are or should be concentrating on others -- what we can do to bring a little happiness to our families and to others. ...'
Please have a wonderful Christmas and a beautiful spiritual picture that will please your parents and extended families.  Love always, Gramma H..."  SLC

Now I wish I could recall the Christmas goodies delivered to our door every year.  I do remember they were all delicious --prepared and shared with love.  Fast food can't hold a candle to them!