You may call these Christmas rules (double meaning), or ideas. They may be difficult to do, but they are simply stated. I can think of twelve -- too many for one post; so I split into three. (Be patient --the food part is coming.)
1. Remember Christ, our Savior --His birth and life.
If not, at least believe in love, and be grateful that Jesus taught followers to love, not hate.
2. Share in the joy.
It’s the perfect time to love your neighbor, especially your family, no matter what your beliefs. Even sad cynics should see the benefits and enjoy.
3. Believe in Santa Claus (or Samichlaus, if you're in Switzerland)
--the spirit of giving (a miracle, like "on 34th Street"). Yes, I still believe!
(I know this gets personal, and there are opposing views, so this is one man’s.)
4. Start or strengthen your own family traditions.
Do you and “yours” know them?
Let’s continue the conversation with those around us. And not so fast, OK?