If I were a student or school teacher starting two weeks of vacation today, what would I do? (in addition to skiing 3 or 4 days, of course.)
1. Introspectively at year end, I'd ask, "Where have I been this year?" (besides the East); "Why am I here now?" (not just the Layton frontier); and, "Where am I going next year?" (including the Oregon Coast, I hope.)
2. Celebrate! (Being out of school is really something!)
Last night, with close friends in the Conference Center, we were thrilled by David Archuleta, a gifted young man who sang his heart out like I never imagined. I felt inspired by Michael York, a professional actor who recited Luke 2 and one other remarkable story. It was a heart-warming way to remember Christ's birth and all that Christmas means to us. "He will bring us goodness and light." --Familiar old song
I would celebrate (study) the life and writings of Joseph Smith, the prophet of the Restoration, who was born December 23, 1805. Through a humble farm boy, God ushered in the long-promised "dispensation of the fulness of times". (Ephesians 1:10)
3. Prepare for the New Year!
I see a door opening in front of me, like key images in the film "Temple Grandin". It's a true story of an autistic young woman, who turned her unique visual thinking to her advantage, with help from her determined mother and a science teacher.
Temple Grandin (born August 29, 1947) is an American doctor of animal science and professor at [CSU], bestselling author, and consultant ...
The Learning Style of People with Autism: An Autobiography (1995). ...
Ph.D. in Animal Science from the University of Illinois in 1989.
-- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temple_Grandin
And maybe I will try snowboarding before year end (in my dreams!)