Friday, December 31, 2010

Goal / Resolution

When it comes to goals and resolutions, we know the pros and cons, benefits and pitfalls.  I wish there were a fast way to review them all, at least to organize my own thinking; (that's one of my goals).

The following definitions are from The Random House Dictionary of the English Language (Unabridged Edition) ©1969 (a huge battered book serving as the perfect footrest under my desk.)  It would be interesting to compare with current definitions online.

goal (n.)  1. the result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end. [plus 5 sports-related definitions.]  --Syn.  1. target; purpose, object, objective, intent, intention.  2. [sports] finish.

resolution (n.)  2. a resolve or determination.  3. the act of resolving or determining, as upon an action or course of action, method, procedure, etc.  4. the mental state or quality of being resolved or resolute; firmness of purpose.  --Syn.  4. resolve, determination, perseverance, tenacity; strength, fortitude.

The next three books I wanted to share before another boxful goes to recycling at the Layton library (a partner in the fight against OCH, an OCD).
Think Uno on its 40th anniversary with Mattel:  Dr. Sheehan on Running, ©1975 by George S., pg 185 (ch. 16, Work and Play): "In play you can totally commit yourself to a goal that minutes later is completely forgotten."
Hyrum Smith shared his experience as Explorer advisor in Where Eagles Rest, ©1982, pg 84.  Offering them a trip to Hawaii, he required that they memorize a poem: "There is no chance, no destiny, no fate that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul."  The group proceeded to earn enough money to pay for their unforgettable trip.
The Magic of Getting What You Want, ©1983 by David Schwartz, pg 226 (ch. 9, How to Come Back to Life and Enjoy it More): "Choose friends who look ahead, who have dreams, people who want to make life better.  Avoid folks who delight in telling you how bad life is and has been."

Wade Cook's "DON'T SET GOALS" [... The Old Way, ©1997] is without a doubt one of the very best.  --
Oscar Wilde wrote:  "A New Year's resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other.''  It's true; statistics confirm ...  --  designed a fast lesson I love for kids. 
"Grade Levels: 4 - 8:  ...  What is a resolution?  A resolution is a promise  ... that you make to yourself!  It is a tradition for people to make resolutions at the beginning of a new year. ...  One sort of resolution has to do only with oneself.  You might decide to lose weight, to stop eating candy, to exercise more, or to watch less TV. ...  You could resolve to be more patient with your little brother, to be more helpful to your mom, or not to get into fights with your friends.  Some resolutions are about school and the outside world, such as getting to class on time, trying for better grades, or not teasing the neighbor's dog.  If you manage to keep these promises, it will make you feel better about yourself.  So, it's important not to make wild resolutions that are too difficult to follow.  Your promises to yourself should not be too hard to keep."
(Sage advice -- even for some of us adults!)  Have a prosperous New Year!