Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Tech Tuesdays

Independent living here in our Ogden apartments includes a variety of community activities designed for physical and mental health ... and fun!  For example, today I learned how to play Wii Golf.  Yesterday our young activities director asked me to help with her new series called Tech Tuesday, a weekly workshop to share technical solutions with residents.  (Tuesday April 5th, she moved it to Monday for a better fit; so we changed the name — OK by me, as I go with the flow.)

This should be interesting ... and fun, not frustrating.  Our lively, 91-year-young neighbor Norma agreed to help me teach email using a PC laptop; she’s a power walker and talker whom everyone admires.  (The same may be said of my companion Kay, who continues sharing on the other side ... with love.)

Sister Kay Cannon, 22 Aug 2017
office training, MTC Provo

Sunday, March 6, 2022

RootsTech Tidbits

Since 2011, every year around this time, we participate in RootsTech, the worldwide family history and technology conference organized by FamilySearch International.  March 3-5 this year was the second all-virtual, free conference.  (February 26-29, 2020 was the last one held in the Salt Palace in Salt Lake City.  I returned to Ogden by train that Saturday afternoon for my wife Kay’s 17th birthday celebration, where we connected with family and friends.  Two grand events in one day!)

The theme for RootsTech this year was Choose Connection, introduced by an amazing music video that made me smile every time I watched it.  We also saw videos of projects conducted by FamilySearch in countries around the world.  A fascinating session was led by the head of the International Council on Archives (ICA), about  “making humanity’s memory accessible.”  Several innovative organizations taught the importance of storytelling and preservation.  Conference content is archived and available for reviewing later. 

I was instructed and inspired to work on our family projects ... and choose connection.