Tuesday, February 22, 2022

One Day of Two

Here at our Ogden apartments, we celebrated this Tuesday of two’s: 2/22/22.  The new activity director, a fun-loving young woman, showed up in a light-blue, romantic-style tutu skirt with colorful paper 2’s all over it — so charming!  She kept up the whirling pace of serving round tables in the dining room and directing brain games in the activity room, confident as a ballerina.

This “Two-sday” reminded me of a couple — my sweetheart Kay & me.  The Q&A game I played tonight with neighbors asked the question, “What would you consider as a most romantic gift?”  That one was easy for me — “a vacation at Cannon Beach, Oregon” ... just the two of us.

What does “two” mean to you?

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Frustration Breakers

Reflections prompted by the hyphenated word, frustration-breaker, found in Desert Companion 2/2022 issue:

After slow progress scanning and discarding historical material yesterday, I was frustrated.  Barely scratched the surface of all I need to do.  So, I joined the happy, Friday-night crowd skating at Bountiful Ice Ribbon — pocket change compared to the cost of night skiing I’ve done.  It broke my work frustration alright, and I didn’t fall.  

Last fall, my kick-scooter rides to our Bountiful Veterans Park were a frustration breaker (an open compound word like dinner table, for example).  I often went out around 9 or 10 at night to see the park features lit up and flags flying in mountain breeze.  The awesome scene and veterans’ names inspired me.

Throughout the last 24 months, nurturing love for my wife Kay and keeping an attitude of gratitude were great ways to break frustration.  Friendships and slowing down in my old age helped me as well.  I find value and relief in reflections.

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Tracks on the other side

A few of my tremendous track memories:

Summer nights in bed on Second Avenue, hearing trains on the other side of town.

Riding with my grandfather to watch trains on multiple tracks by 400 West Street, SLC.

Watching my new model train come around the side of our 8-foot Christmas tree.

Feeling our townhouse shake as freight trains rolled on the other side of our Clearfield fence.  (My wife Kay was not so thrilled.)

High above old Mountain Green, hearing trains on the other side of Morgan Valley.

Biking along train tracks to the station near my end of Ogden River Parkway. 

Deciding which side of FrontRunner platforms would get me on the right train.  I stood by the track on the other side only once — brain fog.

Winter nights in downtown Ogden, waking up to hear trains on the other side of Wall Avenue.  I opened my studio window for more volume and a breath of fresh air. 

Just one way I keep track of my life by writing memories.  Someday I will remember them all with my sweetheart Kay by my side.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Month of History

February focus on history:

When my wife, Kay Hinckley, was born in February, I was three years old and able to speak one word, “cookie!”  In February 1968, Kay was serving a three-year mission with her parents and two older sisters in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.  I was in my second month of missionary training in the Provo Utah LTM, learning Spanish for my assignment to the Argentina North Mission.  In February 2017, Kay & I decided to sell our frontier home in preparation to serve a senior couple mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Also of interest to our family: “Black History Month honors the contributions of African Americans to U.S. history.  ... became a month-long celebration in 1976. The month of February was chosen to coincide with the birthdays of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln.”  — history.com

This month is a great time to write personal history and learn more family history.  I’m also reminded to read a book I bought about Lincoln, a favorite president who helped change the course of U.S. history.