Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Halloween without masks

Remember the good old days when Halloween was safer without masks?  (Some venues prohibited mask-wearing, like banks with surveillance cameras.)  Anyway, our children made their own choice for safe trick-or-treating, depending on their favorite character.  Of course, Kay & I recommended warm clothing for a cold “meet-our-neighbors” night out.  And they knew Dad would expect a share of the goodies afterward.

Fun memories for our family, thank goodness. 

our Three Amigos on frontier

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Making Me Smile

This month starts “the holidays”.  After an early-morning, preparatory de-junking session, I need to recall what makes me smile.  At my age, life seems too short.

Seeing the parking entrance sign at our Bountiful apartments yesterday, I smiled at the blacked-out “No Pets” above “No Smoking”, “No Soliciting”.  No surprise with a new owner riding the wave, as in Ogden.  (My wife Kay must be impressed with my keen observation.)  I understand and chuckle at the thought of dogs and cats enjoying the holidays in our senior community.  There is no fast way to explain why ...

For some strange reason, I’ve been Christmas shopping instead of waiting til the last minute.  Last month I was delighted by a fellow playing Christmas music as a piano warm-up for a church meeting.  Yes, I’m getting excited for our ward Trunk-or-Treat activity for kids, and making detailed plans for a different Thanksgiving to include my kick scooter.  This is not like me to have fun early in the game, so I smile at the paradigm shift ... maybe because this life is short.  My conclusion: don’t worry — be happy!

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

A time for peace, too

Recalling my shared thought with Kay, posted 10/10/2020, I feel it applies even more today, well into our 51st year of marriage:

Surely “there is a season ...”

My sweetheart Kay helps me keep an eternal perspective and feel at peace.  Our Heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost give us peace when we are accepting.  I often feel it deeply, so I know it is true.

What more can I say?  It’s about love

“... and a time of peace.”  

(Ecclesiastes 3:1, 8)

Ogden Utah Temple
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Simple Saturday

A day of perfect fall weather in Bountiful began Saturday with a wake-up call from an old Utah friend visiting Florida.  He patiently waited until 7 Eastern (5 my time) to simply report his safe arrival Friday in Orlando, a week before his wedding.  Next thing, I got to help clean the church meetinghouse, nearly next door — a simple service opportunity which is more social fun than it is work.

I returned home in time for the morning session of semiannual General Conference, broadcast worldwide by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  Thus began two days of inspired talks by loving leaders, teaching simple gospel truths.  In between sessions was the amazing World Report of life-changing and groundbreaking work.

Being close to our new Veterans Park, I simply rode my kick scooter to the quiet spot for fresh air and a little photography.  Leaves are turning colors as cool weather prevails.  Living by our favorite pizza place (headquartered in Detroit where Kay & I served a mission), I was tempted to spend $6 there.  Luckily, I found a can of hearty soup which I quickly heated (my fast food) before watching the 6pm session on my little iPhone — so simple.

Life is good ... with love.