Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Trail Mix

“Happy trails” have provided me with indelible memories throughout my life.  As a Boy Scout I was blessed to be led by two uncles (Cannon Family) who took our troops on the most amazing adventures, including hiking and camping in Zion Narrows, Grand Canyon, Arches, and High Uintas Wilderness.  My two years in Argentina had a good share of preparation-day trail experience.  Cristo Redentor statue at top of the Andes was the highest.

Marriage into Kay’s Hinckley Family engaged me in a wonderful mix of trails in my adult life, with and without our five children.  Visiting beloved British Columbia in a group of three couples ... unforgettable!  And of course, my four years as Scoutmaster with our sons involved precious experiences on the Scouting trail (and sometimes accidentally off the trail ... like our first hike up Mt  Olympus).

As empty nesters, we two thoroughly enjoyed visits to our out-of-state and Utah families, where we explored trails with lively grandchildren.  Trails on the Oregon Coast totally captivated us as a couple traveling alone ... in love.  Kay & I continue following the trail of life, together in eternal ways, being blessed with a marvelous mix of memories to be shared with posterity.  We’ve only just begun to write the stories.


Thursday, April 15, 2021

Brain Fog Going Forward

This one is for Ned ... just for the record of moving from Ogden to Bountiful this month.  How am I doing?  Progressing, despite losing things in my new smaller studio apartment, travel kit, and car.  I like to think my angels are helping me find and place things in proper order ... and overcome normal brain fog ... going forward.

Although my dear wife Kay is way ahead of me in regards to planning, keeping track of things, and finishing projects, she is nevertheless with me, cheering me on, going forward as my eternal companion ... with love.

I recently learned about “brain fog grief” commonly experienced after the death of a loved one.  It helps me understand how moving one’s home may compound the problem (in addition to pandemic, taxes, and normal aging).  My “entire cognitive capacity” (as Refuge In Grief described it) may come back to a “recognizable form” after my brain adjusts to a changed world.  It takes some people several years to recover from the trauma of a stressful situation.

Going forward, I pray, ponder, pace myself, use iPhone Notes & Calendar (and my angels) as memory prompts, work, rest, and enjoy the ride with good music.  And as my watch just reminded me, “Even a minute of breathing can help you concentrate.”  There’s a thought.  Thanks ... for the memories.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Home for Easter

Sunday was heavenly in every respect.  On this Easter, we were blessed with talks heard worldwide about Jesus Christ, who conquered death so all who are born will be resurrected to gain everlasting life.  Because of Him who lives and loves us without end, my wife Kay & I can reunite with our family at Home ... together forever.  

My angel companion Kay & I stand firm in our testimony of and gratitude for Heavenly Father’s plan of happiness.  It eternally is about true love.