Sunday, November 21, 2021

Avoiding FH Anxiety

So much family history (FH) to process ... so little time for doing it!  (This is not about familial hypercholesterolemia, a genetic disorder commonly referred to as FH, which causes anxiety relating to heart attack.)

My wife Kay & I married 50 years ago, and we both have rich personal & family histories preceding that forever-blessed event.  “What we build is bigger than the sum of two.”  — Kings of Convenience duo, Declaration of Dependence album, 2009.

In somewhat-organized ways, we individually collected precious FH treasures without a coordinated plan for managing them at the end of mortal life.  However, frequent moves to smaller homes helped us give away tons of things and avoid some senior anxiety.

Last April, I moved to Bountiful Utah to “take care of family projects”.  While Kay is engaged in timeless work on the other side, my 12-month stay here is going so quickly, I feel anxious about my daily process.  (Reminder to self: I am eagerly engaged in a good cause.)  Fortunately, I find joy in rediscovering and sharing, especially FH about my sweetheart and our five children.  It really is about love!

Friday, November 12, 2021

Making Me Smile Too

This year’s happy holidays are turning out to be ______; (fill in the blank).  Yes, and a “Happy Holidays” greeting always makes me smile, as this is a special time for our family, friends, and “communities of interest”. 

Renewing my driver license online for Thanksgiving travel, surprisingly valid for eight years, required a “vision statement” (current eyesight, not “where do you see yourself in five years?”)  I smiled three times — just when I thought the process was too easy.  Well, it worked out; the online form printed for 5 cents at the library, and my optician was so nice.  He asked me, “Do you wake up in the middle of the night?”  “Yes, to go ...”  (We both smiled.)  “It’s because of dry eyes,” he informed me.  (Wow — why did I not learn that in my health class at East High?)  So, he showed me two products, and naturally I took a photo to remind me; (would other customers be that quick-thinking?)

Yesterday our health-savvy daughter in the far West helped me get out early for a cool walk around Smith Family Park, as it was too cold for mountain climbing.  She always makes me smile, as did the ducks happily swimming together in the lake — about time to “fly south for the winter,” she explained.  Then we did our Christmas shopping across the street — never too early, I decided last summer.  Thinking about our five children and 23 grandchildren always makes me smile.

My sweetheart Kay & I are so grateful for the goodness of God in our life.