Sunday, September 30, 2018

Good Sabbath

This month of rest for my wife Kay, now ends with a special time of rest – the Sabbath day.  For some engaged in service, it involves a lot of work.  Bishops, gospel teachers, medical providers, hospitality workers, and others with Sunday responsibilities, are blessed as they honor the Lord's day and serve in the right way.  The Savior showed us the way during His mortal life.

For our family, September is a month to remember  – the joy in times of progress, and victories in times of trouble.  So fitting that it ends on the Sabbath day.  (Incomplete sentence, as my English teacher Kay would point out, and wanting this added thought:) We are grateful today for God's tender mercies, and for everyone's love shown in many ways.  Faith and prayers have worked in our behalf.  May you be blessed as well, this glorious Sabbath day.

beloved friend in Ogden Utah, 25 October 2014
a beautiful day in our former neighborhood

Kay serving in the nursery, west Layton
– a favorite Sunday activity as a couple
in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

sign of the future ... where sisters visited

Helen & Kay, like ministering sisters
loving a dear friend, 14 August 2010

Friday, September 28, 2018

Thank Goodness

[Let me add this Saturday note: 7:27am :
Thankfully, my sweetheart is sleeping peacefully (a recurring theme these days) and thus finding comfort despite illness.  Our dear friend, former Ogden neighbor Norma, came bearing gifts yesterday — so thoughtful and loving.  Our son Quinn flew in to lend his expertise and tender care for the weekend — the same words describe him.  Kay’s CNS aide and her nurse visited, so caring and kind.  A needed chair and supplies were later delivered — so timely.  (Can’t say enough good about CNS Ogden service!)  Thank goodness Huntsman Hospital connected Kay with them.]

{Sat. 8:55pm  This day was peaceful.  My sister Ann came to offer her expertise as a retired nurse, and we had a happy time reminiscing and sharing.  I wish my memory and habits were as good.  She has always been a great example to me — how can I say it better?  It’s simply true.
Our daughter Katie helped me share a few thousand photos with her external drive.  (Our children are so tech-savvy.  And I should not go on hoarding family photos without effectively passing them on.)
Quiet neighborhood, quiet night ... except for crickets — imagine that.  Kay went back to sleep.  And we are blessed!}

So far, this Friday morning, we are getting through another night of peaceful sleep, etc.

The "etc." part concerned me in the middle of the night.  After walking on the way back from the bathroom (with my guidance to keep her on course), Kay got on her knees at the bed, in perfect form for prayer.  Weakness, not a need to communicate, caused the collapse.  Tears from disappointment, not from feeling the Spirit, revealed her mood.  I said the prayer that time, just for help to get her into bed.  After lifting her onto a chair, I told her to relax.  After sliding her to the bedside, I helped her into bed.

The med routine went perfectly, as Kay was calm and falling asleep.  I said our prayer of thanks, asking Heavenly Father to bless dear Kay, our family, friends, and missionaries.  We slept.

Life is uplifting, if you stop and look at what's good.  Thank God.

calm view of Kamas Valley from family trail
Boulderville Utah, 5 July 2010

Sister Cannon, delighted in Roseville MI

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Tuesday with Kay Too

[Thursday 8am addition: 5:40am was a sweet time together ... with a cup of Hinckley lemon ice cream for each of us; (a spoonful in a cup was enough to make breakfast in bed a real joy!)  So, when I answer to the nurse, I will honestly say, “A treat was requested by Kay — lemon ice cream was all she desired — I could not deny her the high ... so we indulged like a couple of kids.”  It must be the reason she sleeps peacefully now, maybe dreaming of a mixed double scoop with Hinckley chocolate chip cherry ice cream; (or is it cherry chocolate chip ...?  No matter.)  I add that to a long log of happy memories we treasure as a loving, still-newly-wed couple.  (“We’ve only just begun ...”)]

(Wed. 9/26 5:45am insert: Already the fourth day of the week with three more to go.  Kay and I are still taking one day at a time, while others probably do two or three at a time.  My favorite English teacher survived new-age public education by taking a week at a time, counting it as one day.  The low number of “days” left in the year was easier to handle.  At the end of each weekday, of course, she still crossed it off her calendar.  It worked for her, as she stayed intact all the way through retirement last year.  Love for her students was the real key, producing immeasurable fruits of her labor.  Some people try to take the Spirit out of teaching, but the Lord knows “the rest of the story.”)

{9/26 8:48pm  I must say, it’s a sleepy day for Kay.  A generous former-teacher friend, the CNS nurse, and our daughters helped on different shifts.  Our youngest was touched when she heard Kay clearly pray when seeming to be asleep.  Heavenly! }

9/25: A week has come and gone since last Tuesday; (that's as brilliant as I feel this early morning).

Monday with Kay was remarkable.  Lifetime friends visited our "dream cottage" while our son Spencer kept watch over his angel mother.  She slept well most of the time and woke to be pleasantly surprised by dear ones.  A timely visit by Kay's loving CNS nurse was appreciated.  Our dear neighbor brought the best honey whole wheat bread and raspberry jam!  I employed my cooking skill and toasted two slices for a heavenly, fast-food dinner.

Tuesday with Kay was blessed with a visit from her oldest brother, Lon and Stephanie, who brought comfort food that made the day for our daughter Angie and me.  We also felt the love of other visitors, as a neighbor and a close friend brought tasty gifts.  Much appreciated!

Recognizing tender mercies and answers to prayers,
we feel very blessed!

getting into Grandma's drawer
a favorite go-to in the far West

mission memories of service in Roseville, Michigan

Elder and Sister Cannon, remembered

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Summer Time Ends

(May I just add this note Sunday 8:44am before yesterday’s?
We are OK after a good night’s sleep, despite a bump that hopefully knocked some sense into my head.  Resolved to be careful in the dark ... from now on.  A lesson everyone should learn early in life.)

Excuse me while I add something Monday 3:11am:
Kay woke up 2 hours earlier than usual ... and so did I.  (One word from her sweet lips, and I’m wide awake.)  First request is always for cool, clear water; (we live in a desert, here in Utah).  Pain med is a natural second — (overdue anyway).  Sleep mercifully follows while I apply lotion to keep her young skin so soft.
She is beautiful, heavenly ... I love her so!
(8am thought: I used to say softly with a smile, “You can wake up now.”  But these days, she can use extra sleep.  We are grateful for the quiet Sabbath time spent with son Curtis and his sweet family.  And I thank God for another blessed day!)

The weekend edition:

Today is a special day – it's the day we get ready for Sunday and the beginning of a wonderful fall season.  
(Google reminded me that "Summer 2018 in Northern Hemisphere began on Thursday, June 21 and ends on Saturday, September 22" [7:54pm Mountain time.] Thank you.)
This morning, a final "summer breeze, makes me feel fine, blowing through the jasmine in my mind" (recalling a favorite Seals & Crofts LP album of ours).

My eternal wife and companion, Kay, peacefully went back to sleep after a usual early-morning routine of drinking ice water, getting a soothing back scratch, walking to the loo (British noun), taking meds, and listening to Third Nephi in the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ (making good progress lately, and lovin' it!)

Looking back to the beginning of summer, Kay and I visited an older sister in rehab at Heartland, Gross Pointe Woods, Michigan on June 21st.  She smiled, so happy to see Sister Cannon, whom she loves.  Due to my OC Photography affliction, I took a pic of her room number to remember, and got a shot of a bulletin-board poster for the 
"Brain Health Lecture Series" by Kathy Housey:
6/12 'Exercise: Cognitive Candy for the Brain"
7/10 "Your Gut is your Second Brain"
8/7 "Are You an Owl, a Lark, or a Hummingbird?"
9/18 "Neurobics for the Brain"
[Just what I needed, but missed it all.  Anything like that in Ogden, Utah ... anyone?  Oh, boy ... I'm really asking for it.]

Sat. 2pm addition: Kay went back to sleep again after some wonderful, loving friends visited.  Everyone’s kindness, good humor, tears, prayers, memories, and love are so precious to Kay and me.  Thank you!

Anyway, it's the weekend.  Let's enjoy the outdoors!

looking back at an amazing summer
photo courtesy of friend Russ Bettridge,Michigan outdoor photographer

cute Cannons at the beach on Antelope Island
the Great Salt Lake, Utah

Thursday, September 20, 2018

This Week and Next

This week is nearly gone.  Time to plan for next week?
Hold on ... for Friday’s thank-goodness addition before the weekend edition.

So ... (a common alert that a speaker is beginning an important statement) ... early this Friday morning as she was falling asleep after routine meds, my sweatheart ... out of the blue ... asked me where Rainbow Gardens is.  Good question, because it is not far from home — an easy drive — and happens to be one of my favorite places for lunch, gifts, and books.  In fact, my motherly ancestors residing in east Ogden used to take little me there when it had a swimming pool where the gift shop is now.  It is historic.  Years ago, Kay and I met the elderly owner in the gift shop, doing her “management by wandering around” (a technique proven to be effective).  “So,” I asked sleepy Kay this morning, “you want to go for a drive? Then we can go up Ogden Canyon and see the autumn colors.”
(We shall see.)

Early Thursday morning, Kay said the sweetest prayer for a senior missionary serving in Michigan, whose husband, Elder Estep, passed away from a heart attack Wednesday night.  We have fond memories of working with them.  Tears of love!!

9/20 Noon update: Kay was awake long enough to drink ice water, take meds, and pray.  She seems to be comfortable; (CNS is remarkable).   We feel strength from everyone’s prayers.

We checked her smartphone to see telemarketing calls missed and a Michigan property management text requesting she add them to her contact list; we decided not to, since she is no longer helping people upgrade their housing.  Also got Fox News about a Harry Potter actor; that’s about all the world news we’ve seen in a few days.  What else is going on this week?

Thursday afternoon we ventured out to the front porch, where Kay relaxed in cool shade.  At night the TV remote failed to find Jeopardy, but luckily landed on a psych episode filmed in British Columbia, where Kay served for three years.  Old familiar places!  The RCMP played a main role in crime solving, of course.  Good humor, too.  A scene on and around the Capilano Suspension Bridge brought back fun memories of our Vancouver trip with Kay’s sisters for the temple open house.

Looking at my little phone calendar, I see next week ends on Saturday the 29th.  Where has this month almost gone?  (A rhetorical question – no need to text me the answer.)  So, retail stores are continuing to stock Halloween supplies and are ramping up for Christmas.  We are left to our own creativity for Thanksgiving – so commercially neglected, thank goodness, as it traditionally centers around family and God, our Heavenly Father.
What next?  A two-holiday merger for promotion in September?  Black Friday November 9th, to be extended through “happy holidays”?
Thinking ahead three months, I will still wish,
“Merry Christmas!”

GSL Shorelands Preserve by former frontier home
in west Layton, 16 September 2010, 7:53 AM

a rare photo of me (shadow) about to shovel snow
at our frontier home, 2 February 2013
(not this bad around Christmas, so no worry)

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Tuesday with Kay

Two weeks have passed since we moved into Kay's "dream cottage".  That Tuesday was a miracle!  After moving frequently to suit Kay’s needs, we were blessed with this place of peace near family in northern Utah.
( I thank our children who helped her move in and get settled, purchased the bed and set it up, and stocked the kitchen with food ... while I was out of town in meetings.  That day was difficult for me, not being with my dear companion.)

Today I was privileged to be with Kay all day.  Visits from our daughters, Kay’s sister and brother-in-law, our son and grandson ... made this Tuesday special.  (And the comfort food provided was heavenly as well.)

Our grandson learned some valuable lessons from his grandmother (and from the Spirit, I believe) ... not just during a tender, private visit, but from years of fun times spent with her while observing an example of righteous living.

If this were continued another week or two, it could be renamed “Tuesdays with Kay”.  Regardless, the lessons we all learn from my angel wife are eternal.
With love ...

family fun at The Henry Ford Greenfield Village, Dearborn
visiting Grandma & Grandpa Cannon 26 May 2018
(historic carousel playing Kay's favorite church music!)

Sister Cannon serving with our sisters 15 July 2018
(Kay wearing a sweater in mid-summer Michigan)

Monday, September 17, 2018


Our Sunday morning stroll was "the pause that refreshes."

After determined effort by Kay to start the day outdoors, we drove to a nearby river parkway, and she freewheeled along the trail, enjoying the sunshine, cool breeze, and green surroundings.  It was literally a breath of fresh air following days of sickness indoors.  She wished we had done that every day last week.  Like, "Give me a break," Kay was thinking.

Google defines freewheel (verb) as "act or proceed in a relaxed or casual way, without making much effort."
And intermission as "a pause or break."

Some may recall the song ending with,
"You deserve a break today!
So get up and get away!
To McD...!"
[No, this blog is not about fast food, tho' I like it.]

Randomly recalling the good old days of epic films that had an intermission, some of those are among my favorites.  I could name a few here, as fellow seniors could, too.
The pause was a welcome chance to get up and stretch, use the restroom, buy popcorn, go out for a ... (not for me), and visit with friends.

With September 16th starting the second half, I see our Sabbath stroll as a fitting intermission for my eternal companion ... and the privilege we had of receiving the sacrament from priesthood holders, as a comforting way to face the weeks ahead.

Kay stopped along the way to smell the roses in the gorgeous garden.
Don't we all need to take time to smell the flowers, so to speak?

time for family fun in historic Nauvoo
(Costley photo by Kay Cannon, 19 July 2016)

Cannon family stroll, 7 August 2010
Liberty Park (named in 1882), Salt Lake City

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Thursday – time flying by

Sunday 7:47 AM 9/16  fast addition, out of order, at the top ... before a new post.
We are peacefully sleeping in ... Kay and I ... and our son Quinn.  A break from sleep at 3 AM, helped fill some needs for meds and them ...

Yesterday 9/15, we welcomed visitors, including four of my adorable siblings and three sweet friends from west Layton.  Sharing memories brought joy and cheer ... made Kay smile with thoughts so dear.
Loving tears show such concern ... and gratitude we hope to earn.


Wednesday 9/12 was another special day for Kay.
Amazingly, she is still sleeping, having missed her usual 5:33 AM routine.

Two of my angel sisters brought equipment, visited with me, and briefly brightened sleepy Kay's day as she recalled a 1971 Cannon family trip to Vancouver.

Friday 6:44 AM update: Thursday was another great day!  Kay's sister Susan brought heavenly Kneaders cake/bread, and we had a good down-to-earth talk.  (Our siblings have been so supportive!)
At lunch time, Kay got the urge for pizza ... Hawaiian style, our favorite.  Little Caesars (based in Detroit, Michigan) was not close enough, so I found a restaurant nearby that knew how to make it (at double the price, of course).  That made a big hit with Kay and us caregivers.  She eats very little, but it warmed my heart to see her enjoy a taste of ... Italy?

Friday mid-day three of our “kids”, as the salesman lovingly called them, had a productive meeting at our traditional SLC mortuary.  Later this afternoon, we welcomed our son Quinn, a pharmacist whose knowledge and experience are in need here.  He is quietly visiting and helping Kay enjoy a video now.

Saturday already?!  A beautiful 7am sunrise started my day after sleeping late.  ( I showed the photo to Kay after she woke up; she seemed to have had a peaceful night, thankfully.)  At 9am Quinn did the two IV meds for Kay; he is so skillful and caring.  Her desire was then to continue her daily audio study of the Book of Mormon; (let that be an example to our posterity).
So, she is almost back to sleep, I imagine with heavenly dreams.  Kay is an angel and a true saint!

Thank you, everyone, for your thoughts, love notes, generosity, faith, and prayers!
We love you!!

granddaughter dressed up at Grandmother's piano
(BC mission home drawing by Kay's sister Louise)

Palmyra New York Temple we visited 12 June 2010
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

sisters at their former mission home
in Vancouver BC, 7 April 2010

Kay loves being by the water & me (Vancouver BC,
8 years before loving the Michigan water)

Monday, September 10, 2018

Monday Update

(See Wednesday morning update below.)
Yes, despite good intentions, I missed updating on Sunday, the beginning of a new week.  Sorry.

The Sabbath was extraordinary for Kay and me!  Close friends and family visited, brought generous gifts and food, and most importantly, their love.  (Grandchildren are extra special and always appreciated!)  Others called, texted, and kept Kay in their prayers.  A son helped me provide a brief sacrament meeting, as authorized by our bishop.  A movie mercifully put Kay to sleep at the end of a wonderful, difficult day.
With all my heart, I thank you, everyone!  We love you!!

Early this Monday morning, Kay got up feeling sick, as usual, having endured bad dreams and illness.  After prayer and medication, I suggested comfort through music.  She requested two of her favorite pieces by Ravel and Debussy: "Pavane ..." and "Girl with Flaxen Hair" (La fille aux cheveux de lin).  Wearing my headphones, she soon went to sleep on the sofa.
Tender mercies!!

Wednesday 9/12 update:
7am  Kay sleeps peacefully after her early-morning routine: change of scenery, sitting in the living room (tidy for a change, thanks to Angie) and eating breakfast.  Classical music also helped start the day.
Tuesday was a blessed day with Kay’s brothers, sisters, and a sister-in-law visiting.  The Olive Garden take-out lunch was awesome — much appreciated.  A beautiful niece from South Weber preceded them with fresh peaches, which we always love.  At the end of the day, timely help from a CNS nurse was just what Kay needed to sleep through the night.  Our daughters took turns serving faithfully for hours.  We are so blessed!

Tuesday 9/11 morning addition:
Departing from last week’s pattern, I add a note here about the renewed use of her convenient HH port, which served so well at the hospital.  Last night a kind nurse started a more effective med delivery method, which seems to be improving Kay’s quality of life.  No bad dreams during the night!  No more losing and wasting pills because of nausea.  Goes to show, there’s always room for improvement ... if you explore different options.  (Thanks to my angel sister, a retired nurse in Bountiful, still working tirelessly for the extended family.)
Sleeping more peacefully now.

Thanks for following my feeble "fast food".  I will try to do better.

Sweetheart Kay "finished organizing family history"
in her office at our frontier home (west Layton)
on our wedding anniversary 2012  – good job!
(Only a fraction of it is shown.)

As I was saying, grandchildren are ... the love of her life!

biker Kay's early days on the frontier