Thursday, September 20, 2018

This Week and Next

This week is nearly gone.  Time to plan for next week?
Hold on ... for Friday’s thank-goodness addition before the weekend edition.

So ... (a common alert that a speaker is beginning an important statement) ... early this Friday morning as she was falling asleep after routine meds, my sweatheart ... out of the blue ... asked me where Rainbow Gardens is.  Good question, because it is not far from home — an easy drive — and happens to be one of my favorite places for lunch, gifts, and books.  In fact, my motherly ancestors residing in east Ogden used to take little me there when it had a swimming pool where the gift shop is now.  It is historic.  Years ago, Kay and I met the elderly owner in the gift shop, doing her “management by wandering around” (a technique proven to be effective).  “So,” I asked sleepy Kay this morning, “you want to go for a drive? Then we can go up Ogden Canyon and see the autumn colors.”
(We shall see.)

Early Thursday morning, Kay said the sweetest prayer for a senior missionary serving in Michigan, whose husband, Elder Estep, passed away from a heart attack Wednesday night.  We have fond memories of working with them.  Tears of love!!

9/20 Noon update: Kay was awake long enough to drink ice water, take meds, and pray.  She seems to be comfortable; (CNS is remarkable).   We feel strength from everyone’s prayers.

We checked her smartphone to see telemarketing calls missed and a Michigan property management text requesting she add them to her contact list; we decided not to, since she is no longer helping people upgrade their housing.  Also got Fox News about a Harry Potter actor; that’s about all the world news we’ve seen in a few days.  What else is going on this week?

Thursday afternoon we ventured out to the front porch, where Kay relaxed in cool shade.  At night the TV remote failed to find Jeopardy, but luckily landed on a psych episode filmed in British Columbia, where Kay served for three years.  Old familiar places!  The RCMP played a main role in crime solving, of course.  Good humor, too.  A scene on and around the Capilano Suspension Bridge brought back fun memories of our Vancouver trip with Kay’s sisters for the temple open house.

Looking at my little phone calendar, I see next week ends on Saturday the 29th.  Where has this month almost gone?  (A rhetorical question – no need to text me the answer.)  So, retail stores are continuing to stock Halloween supplies and are ramping up for Christmas.  We are left to our own creativity for Thanksgiving – so commercially neglected, thank goodness, as it traditionally centers around family and God, our Heavenly Father.
What next?  A two-holiday merger for promotion in September?  Black Friday November 9th, to be extended through “happy holidays”?
Thinking ahead three months, I will still wish,
“Merry Christmas!”

GSL Shorelands Preserve by former frontier home
in west Layton, 16 September 2010, 7:53 AM

a rare photo of me (shadow) about to shovel snow
at our frontier home, 2 February 2013
(not this bad around Christmas, so no worry)