Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Good-by, July (memory)

Here we are already ... the end of July.  Looking back seven years is a stretch, but I found this to be worth repeating from July 31, 2011.
What are your memories of the summer of 2011?

Our family summer "camp" on the 22nd and 23rd, including a game marathon and work party, was a success.  We finished cleaning up after the family was gone, then actually relaxed and watched the sunset from the deck.  After the 4-day weekend, we loved the movie “17 Miracles”, and highly recommend it.

Three grandchildren marked their one-year birthday (all born the same day) and celebrated together with us yesterday in Canyon Rim, SLC; plus two other birthdays.  Then we drove to Holladay for a 50th-wedding backyard BBQ for my sister-in-law and her husband.  He sang the love song he wrote for her and performed on their wedding day.  And we won’t forget going down the scary old slide that Lon salvaged from Grandpa's farm!

So-long, hottest month with the toughest yard work!  After widespread damage by pests elsewhere, I thank the Lord for this tender mercy:  a nearly perfect, bountiful harvest of the best apricots I have ever eaten.

Sister Kay Cannon checking phone messages 
on p-day break by Anchor Bay, 9 July 2018
(feeling safe with lifeguard and New Baltimore cadets)

Looking back, there was peace by the water this summer.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

This Day in ‘47

Many here in Michigan are not yet aware of some history of the West that I learned in 7th grade and Sunday School.  It fascinates me as I refresh my memory this time every year – Utah’s "Days of '47".

Four years ago, Ben Tullis wrote for the Deseret News (July 23, 2014, seen now on deseretnews.com):
“What life was like for the Mormon pioneers after entering the Salt Lake Valley”

On June 28, 1847, Brigham Young met with Jim Bridger, famed frontiersman and owner of Fort Bridger. The two men discussed the merits of settling the Salt Lake Valley. Bridger expressed his opinion that growing grain would be difficult in the area, making it unsuitable to sustain a large population.
President Young responded, according to LDS Church News: “Wait a little and we will show you.”
... President Young ... looked down at the Salt Lake Valley from Emigration Canyon on [Saturday] July 24. ... he said, “It is enough. This is the right place. Drive on.”

[On Thursday, July 22, 1847] “Orson Pratt, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and Erastus Snow, a future apostle, had proceeded down Emigration Canyon and ascended a hill near the entrance of the valley. Pratt recorded: “(We) beheld … such an extensive scenery open before us (that) we could not refrain from a shout of joy which almost involuntarily escaped from our lips the moment this glad and lovely scenery was within our view.”

According to lds.org/ensign/1997/07/…:
Elder Orson Pratt and Erastus Snow, as the first of the pioneers to enter the Salt Lake Valley, had previously explored the east side on Wednesday, July 21, “riding together on one horse … to the south … near the banks of today’s Mill Creek.    Elder Pratt continued north to what is now downtown Salt Lake City.”

planting seeds and growing food – essential pioneer activities
as demonstrated at Cove Fort, Utah (24 June 2010)

Monday, July 16, 2018

Summer is going, going, ...

Time flies, especially in the fun of summer.

I recall our summer of 2014 (posted Saturday, July 12:)

"Several weeks of helping our daughter with her family in Arizona – not my wife’s original idea of summer vacation from school teaching – turned out to be a joy, hard work, and a hot time in the new town alright.  Although Anthem is often over 100 degrees during the summer, we were fortunate to see the beginning of the cloudy monsoon season, with daytime temperatures sometimes dipping below 100 – so cool (loved the cloud patterns.)"

"Getting better acquainted with four grandchildren (including a fun ten-year-old helper from SLC), being amazed by unstoppable-grandma Kay's taking care of every need, early-morning wake-up calls (my favorite time of day), quiet walks around the block with a happy baby boy, picnic in the duck park, family home evenings well organized by devoted young parents, word games I never win, great cooking, all-you-can-drink ice water, community pool, friendly neighbors, church meetings in a wonderful ward, a new temple soon to be open, freedom from yard work, and (last but not least:) lively, artistic, gorgeous little girls!"

What are your cool memories of bygone summers?

Let's make more memories before this summer is gone.

our view of the famous "pond" as Kay and I enjoyed a walk 19 June 2011
"Walden Pond is a [large] lake in Concord, Massachusetts
... formed by retreating glaciers ..."  – Wikipedia

Cannon Family hike – looking like ...
"The majority of visitors to southern Utah focus their efforts on the
Mighty 5 national parks."  – visitutah.com

son of our fisherman son practicing his skill
near our frontier home in Layton, Utah

sisters revisiting Queen Elizabeth Park, BC in 2010

protected from the summer sun at J&J Nursery
workplace in Layton, Utah 2016

Friday, July 13, 2018

Our Lucky Day

Friday the 13th is turning out to be our lucky day — surprise!
(Believe it or not, some people avoid black cats and stopped clocks on this day.)

Up earlier than usual, Kay and I went out for a walk in cool weather and got back just before light rain started.  This is day 2 of a nice break from Facebook.  Feels good to get out for fresh air!  I should walk more; it gives me hope.

For breakfast, I warmed up yesterday’s shawarma (grilled-chicken wrap “with a Detroit twist”), enjoyed it, and didn’t get sick.

We made phone calls to help a sister find affordable housing; talked to some nice people that showed interest and wanted to help.  There are many more resources with numbers we can call.

Kay boiled eggs for lunch, which is just what I was hoping for this morning!  Our apartment is warm, so the butter was soft and easy to add.

Visits to Roseville Ward members are planned for this afternoon.  We were able to identify some who are not attending regularly, who will hopefully appreciate a visit.

Have yourself a lucky day!

Things are looking up!

photo courtesy of our friend, Russ Bettridge,
Michigan outdoor photographer


We took picnic food to the Edsel and Eleanor Ford House estate in Grosse Pointe Shores, Michigan.  A huge crowd mingled there for the Detroit Symphony Orchestra’s annual “Hollywood Night” featuring music from favorite films.  The performance and accompanying fireworks over the lake were awesome! 

Together as companions, we loved the friendly people (including young families), uplifting music, and beauties of God’s creations!!

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Remembering Freedom!!!

Recalling my 2015 post for the Fourth:

"On this Independence Day of the United States of America,
I remember the cry of freedom that God heard."

fun memories of Cove Fort Days 2017
(Notice my first use of Horizontal Flip using free application
"IrfanView, an image viewer, editor ..."  – Wikipedia)

E. Q. Cannon Family reunion 5 July 2010

Cannon sisters by Grandfather's picture at the annual celebration,
where love is in the air