Monday, July 16, 2018

Summer is going, going, ...

Time flies, especially in the fun of summer.

I recall our summer of 2014 (posted Saturday, July 12:)

"Several weeks of helping our daughter with her family in Arizona – not my wife’s original idea of summer vacation from school teaching – turned out to be a joy, hard work, and a hot time in the new town alright.  Although Anthem is often over 100 degrees during the summer, we were fortunate to see the beginning of the cloudy monsoon season, with daytime temperatures sometimes dipping below 100 – so cool (loved the cloud patterns.)"

"Getting better acquainted with four grandchildren (including a fun ten-year-old helper from SLC), being amazed by unstoppable-grandma Kay's taking care of every need, early-morning wake-up calls (my favorite time of day), quiet walks around the block with a happy baby boy, picnic in the duck park, family home evenings well organized by devoted young parents, word games I never win, great cooking, all-you-can-drink ice water, community pool, friendly neighbors, church meetings in a wonderful ward, a new temple soon to be open, freedom from yard work, and (last but not least:) lively, artistic, gorgeous little girls!"

What are your cool memories of bygone summers?

Let's make more memories before this summer is gone.

our view of the famous "pond" as Kay and I enjoyed a walk 19 June 2011
"Walden Pond is a [large] lake in Concord, Massachusetts
... formed by retreating glaciers ..."  – Wikipedia

Cannon Family hike – looking like ...
"The majority of visitors to southern Utah focus their efforts on the
Mighty 5 national parks."  –

son of our fisherman son practicing his skill
near our frontier home in Layton, Utah

sisters revisiting Queen Elizabeth Park, BC in 2010

protected from the summer sun at J&J Nursery
workplace in Layton, Utah 2016