Saturday, February 24, 2024

A Matter of Momentum

My favorite, like magic for my old age: running up and down stairs, two steps at a time.  Keeping up momentum that way since my youth.  Power walking — same effect.  My senior kick scooter, a Razor purchased three years ago, carefully going downhill, with momentum from gravity.  A new habit of rollerblading every Monday — my senior balance exercise, as I call it.

In junior high school, I did well in classes, but keeping up momentum for homework after walking miles uphill was a challenge for me.  My neighbor cousin, who walked home with me, wanted to get his done immediately.  David couldn’t relate to my procrastination.  Lingering at my house on his way home, he encouraged me to get started.  I’m grateful for his sacrificing some momentum to help a close friend improve.

The process of becoming a minimalist is served by momentum.  As I’ve previously confessed, overcoming OC collecting is a constant battle for me since a turnaround ten years ago.  I am happy to be blessed now with visible progress in this matter of momentum.

Monday, February 12, 2024

Listening to Love Too

A year ago on that special day, Tuesday the 14th, I was imagining how many love songs are repeated for Valentine’s Day.  Then I suggested imagining the sound of silence while “listening” to the love in your heart.  I still like to think one owns that music as something purely personal.

A favorite quote i often share:

“Music has power to provide spiritual nourishment. It has healing power.”

Daily Joy, p.31, c.2020, by Russell M. Nelson

A memory cherished today as in years past: my sweetheart Kay & I enjoyed many moments of silence while listening to love together.  We are blessed to own that ongoing experience ... without end.

Friday, February 2, 2024

Lifestyle Change

Everyone goes through it — maybe getting older, moving to a new place, changing jobs, getting married, or focusing on service to others.  Lifestyle change is likely evident in your journal and personal history I hope you are writing. 

My lifestyle changed dramatically when I moved from The HR “independent living” last fall to a younger community downtown.  I became much more independent, lost 10 lbs, worked more, walked less, slept more, ate less, read more, talked less, and took up rollerblading.  Having made the change, I can devote more time to family and writing my book this year.  

Loving life.

Then there is life after death … without a physical body until resurrection; free from pain; possessing all intelligence gained during earthly life; together again with loved ones who have passed on.  That is a lifestyle change my wife Kay is enjoying, to which we can all look forward.