Saturday, February 12, 2022

Frustration Breakers

Reflections prompted by the hyphenated word, frustration-breaker, found in Desert Companion 2/2022 issue:

After slow progress scanning and discarding historical material yesterday, I was frustrated.  Barely scratched the surface of all I need to do.  So, I joined the happy, Friday-night crowd skating at Bountiful Ice Ribbon — pocket change compared to the cost of night skiing I’ve done.  It broke my work frustration alright, and I didn’t fall.  

Last fall, my kick-scooter rides to our Bountiful Veterans Park were a frustration breaker (an open compound word like dinner table, for example).  I often went out around 9 or 10 at night to see the park features lit up and flags flying in mountain breeze.  The awesome scene and veterans’ names inspired me.

Throughout the last 24 months, nurturing love for my wife Kay and keeping an attitude of gratitude were great ways to break frustration.  Friendships and slowing down in my old age helped me as well.  I find value and relief in reflections.