Tuesday, January 5, 2016

DIY & other verbs that get me going

For future reference this year, I recommend the "Complete List of Action Verbs" compiled in past tense by my mother’s college “… to assist you in describing your experiences and achievements on your resume.”  – www.wellesley.edu/...complete_list_of_action_verbs.pdf
(Now important for the Class of 2016 and me, facing the real world.
And anyone may use it when writing personal history and a memoir.)
I share a few favorites, plus several that somehow didn't make it:

accelerated  [learning, I hope, not evading officers]
accomplished  [congratulations!]
balanced  [checkbook and life]
[missing “caught”]
developed  [a program and patience with coworkers]
[missing “DIY”*]
dramatized  [by role playing or writing creatively]
edited  [nice work if you can get it]
effected  [good, but missing “affected”]
[missing "forgave"]
rewrote  [done that]
shared  [by every social-media user]
simplified  [sweet – need more of that!]
sought  [missing “Googled”]
trained  [to color within the lines]
translated  [missing “transcribed,” another favorite]
wrote  [I did it!]

Obviously not complete as the college claims, but certainly helpful to those inclined to take action.

*I have it on authority, since a BH&G magazine rode the current wave of “do-it-yourself” by printing: [Buy it, or] "DIY it."

Caught the action at the center!

Inviting, and suggesting a forgiving, retail establishment in Prescott AZ

Relaxing in her dream house, Barbie watched action TV
(smartphone played video behind screen) on Christmas Day.