Sunday, October 2, 2016

Experience I will not forget!

Today Kay and I enjoyed hearing on the radio all the speakers in final sessions of General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  One of my favorite talks was by Elder Ronald A. Rasband of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles: “Lest Thou Forget.”  He said the topic was prompted by “a meeting with a dear friend who was experiencing a ‘crisis of faith’ … ‘I would like to share with you the counsel I would offer to my friend and hope that each of you may find your faith strengthened and your resolve renewed to be a committed disciple of Jesus Christ.  … do not forget Heavenly Father knows and loves each of you and He is always ready to help.’  Elder Rasband counseled members to never forget, question, or ignore personal spiritual experiences.”
– by Rachel Sterzer, LDS Church News.

Several such experiences come to mind, including one from about 1979, when our family camped with Kay’s siblings and their families at Little Sahara Sand Dunes, Utah.  Her older brother rented a dune buggy for all to use, and we had my dad’s “original AAA Springbar Tent” for our three little boys and us.  It was a rough night with the youngest crying (Kay being such a patient mom,) followed by a fun day on the dunes.

“Little Sahara is approximately 115 miles [southwest] from Salt Lake City via Nephi.  ...  nearly 60,000 acres of dunes, trail and sagebrush flats ...  [by Jericho.]
Sand Mountain: A wall of sand climbing nearly 700 feet high provides the ultimate challenge to rider and machine.”  –

I will not forget this “mountaintop experience” as I call it.  Being an early riser by habit, I was up before sunrise while the family slept.  I hiked up the highest dune nearby and followed the ridge away from the campground.  Customary for such hikes, I had in my shirt pocket a few pages of scripture to read at the top.  As the sun rose, I sat and read the first four chapters of Mosiah from the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ.  In that cool, quiet spot, feeling joy and love for my Savior, I felt the Spirit warmly witness that those words are true, and that I should always remember what I undeniably experienced.

(Mosiah 3:13) "And the Lord God hath sent his holy prophets among all the children of men, to declare these things to every kindred, nation, and tongue, that thereby whosoever should believe that Christ should come, the same might receive remission of their sins, and rejoice with exceedingly great joy, even as though he had already come among them."

Hiking and jumping down the dune hill, I forgot the tough night experience for the rest of the day.  Breakfast helped, of course, and our activities with the children.  Family fun in the sun!

Little Sahara Sand Dunes image courtesy

Little Sahara Sand Dunes image courtesy Google Maps