Sunday, March 25, 2018

As a Matter of Fact

He lives!  During this week and the first day of April, we focus on Easter and the resurrected Christ.

A phrase came to mind as I thought about Easter and the Resurrection ...  
“as a matter of fact: Telling somebody something interesting, new or important”

As a matter of fact, this is interesting and important to members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and to other Christians who believe and have faith in the living Christ.  The fact that the Resurrection applies to everyone is one reason we share the good news of the gospel in the Michigan Detroit Mission.

"The universal resurrection became a reality with the Resurrection of Jesus Christ (see Matt. 27:52–53). On the third day after His death and burial, Jesus came forth out of the tomb. He appeared to several men and women, and then to the assembled Apostles. Three of the Gospels describe this event.”  
— Resurrection, Dallin H. Oaks,
Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, 

April 2000 General Conference

I am inspired by the video, “Because of Him - Easter 2018”, found in the Media Library at

“In the span of one week, Jesus rewrote humanity’s story. This Holy Week, He can help you start to rewrite your own. This Easter, we invite you to follow the example and teachings of the Savior by loving others, loving God, and making changes that will lead to lasting joy and peace in your life.  Because of Jesus Christ, each of us has the chance to become something more.This Easter, how will you change #BECAUSEofHIM?”  —

Sunrise over the Wasatch Mountains