Friday, April 20, 2018

On The Same Page

“Everybody is on the same page,” explained Leonys Martin, Detroit Tigers center fielder who hit a grand-slam home run to win the series-sweeping game yesterday.  The Detroit News, 4/20/2018

(Life lessons from baseball – gotta love it.)

Reminds me of our team in Ogden, Utah.  They earned this alliterative headline: “Relentless Raptors Reach Pioneer Pinnacle”
–, 9/18/2017
(Having moved to Michigan, we missed that game.)
That is another example of teamwork leading to success, I’m sure.

What can a couple, family, congregation, district, mission, or worldwide church learn from that?

It helps to be on the same page.

Cannon Family at "Christ of the Mines Shrine"
overlooking the town of Silverton, Colorado 10 June 2017