Friday, April 19, 2019

My Hope

My new friend, an older neighbor who "lost" his first wife years ago, told me in the way of counsel that he does not "waste time" looking back; he only looks forward.  Blessing his kind soul, that works for him, but not for me.  Having hope of reuniting with my wife Kay, who passed away last October (peacefully moving on to her next assignment), I look back to her loving life of service and to the perfect life and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Because of our Savior, I feel "a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead ..." (I Peter 1:3-4)

I look back to my 3/31/2013 post, "A Quiet Garden Scene", which recounts a sacred meeting at "The Garden Tomb" in September 1972.  It reminds me that my parents' (and Kay's parents') lives of service also strengthen my hope as I look back at their missions as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Looking forward, I see a joyful reunion with my eternal companion and other loved ones who have passed on.  I pray daily that I will be worthy and keep the faith.  Past experience reminds me ("going forward," as they say) that I face a daily struggle, enduring and serving to the end ... with love.

Looking back with joy and sorrow, I am grateful for blessings from our Heavenly Father.  Looking forward, my hope has no end.

Life is good – here and in the hereafter.  I hope you will feel true joy during this Easter season and years to come.

liking the spring rain by the Ogden Utah Temple

with my sweetheart Kay, together forever