Thursday, February 20, 2020

Unity of Science and Religion

Amazon description of a book by Dr. Eyring, born on this day, 20 February 1901:
The Faith of a Scientist
“Famed LDS scientist Henry Eyring discusses his convictions that science and religion, properly understood, are not two separate worlds but an interlocking unity.”

A faithful member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Henry Eyring taught science at the University of Utah when I was a student there in 1967.  (My future bride, Kay Hinckley, was in the Alaskan Canadian Mission 1966-1969.)

I will never forget Dr. Eyring’s speech at the west Institute of Religion devotional I attended.  In a matter-of-fact way, he clearly explained the unity of true science and religion.  There was no conflict in his great mind.  His knowledge and faith made an indelible impression on me at a critical time in my life.  I am forever grateful.