Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Tuesday Time Off Too

Facing another delightful Tuesday, I thought this, too, would be a chance to share while taking time off.  (My 6/30 post explains Tuesdays.) 

Laughing out loud, I made a “short” list of vital things to take on my camping trip ... and kept adding to it.  (A staycation would be much simpler and more comfortable.  I know from experience, recalling the adventure starts here.)  More notes may be posted later.

So, I took care of Ogden business on the way (for fuel economy), then remembered something on my list: the tent I left at home.  More laughter to keep my sanity.

After setting up my little tent in the canpground corner, I took the short, scenic route to Maddox Ranch House restaurant (since “August 1949”) and chose the traditional chicken dinner.  Not exactly roughing it, but bringing sweet memories of meals there with my wife Kay and friends — priceless.

Back in the tent, memories of camping with our three little boys, as I listened to a young family next door, having fun with their chatterbox son roasting marshmallows.  “Want to make a s’more with chocolate and graham crackers?”  “Yeah!” he exclaimed as a dog barked in the camp behind them.  Made me smile.  Campground crickets chirped as the talk quieted down.  What a life!