Sunday, January 21, 2024

Spanish Copies

Speeding up and slowing down — I see improvement in both when reading a Spanish copy of the Book of Mormon, an ancient record Joseph Smith translated by the gift and power of God.  Having read the book in English many times since my youth, I find the Spanish easy to understand now as I pick up the pace.  However, slowing down is more important to me in my old age, so I can receive new impressions about repeated truths and take precious moments to ponder.  Slowing down also helps me look up unfamiliar words and increase my vocabulary.  In particular, my study of Spanish verb conjugations in Argentina continues to pay back.  And just like that, it came to pass (y así aconteció); I am grateful (estoy agradecido).

Reading magazines published in Spanish by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints also helps me learn and retain.  (The pictures are still my favorite part.)  And I see more bilingual, English-Spanish signage and printed material everywhere — educational for me and helpful for the Hispanic population of Ogden.  (My iPhone photo album set apart for that is filling up.)

I love the language — even better when combined with a little fast food.