Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Time to Accept Change

My wife Kay, an English teacher by profession, seems to have accepted the new 21st-Century English grammar;  I am still struggling to toss out some rules drilled into my brain during grade school and strictly followed ever since.  I’m just glad our family values and religious principles have not been “degraded”* like rules of English grammar have, according to common usage over so many years; (*that’s my opinion, anyway.)
Kay claims the Modern Language Association (MLA) is the ultimate authority on English language evolution.  Searching their website, I found no information to verify that, or examples to confirm any changes that have disturbed me for many years, especially in advertising and otherwise intelligent TV/radio talk.  The MLA organization is obviously for helping teachers and other professionals, and seems authoritative enough.  Don’t worry – I’m not losing any sleep over this; I just find it very interesting.  Maybe it's just me; (I'm accepting!) 
“Founded in 1883 by teachers and scholars, the Modern Language Association (MLA) promotes the study and teaching of language …”  --
If you was me, what would you do?  There are lots of examples, and I may add another here.  As I’ve lamented before, “I guess this is us now.”  (Ouch!)  There went a fast lunch break.