Saturday, May 18, 2019

Reunions on Both Sides

What is your feeling about it?  Planning for reunions coming up with family and friends?  How far would you go to get together, hoping to see some ... and preferring not to see certain others?

I look forward to a funeral service this morning to celebrate the life of our dear friend and former neighbor, Don Zarkou (87).  It will be a reunion for his family and our East Mill Creek friends, some of whom attended my wife Kay’s funeral after 23 years of our being away.  We believe there are joyful reunions on the other side as well — in paradise, “a condition of happiness and peace” in the “postmortal spirit world”.

Next “weekend” (Friday through Monday for some), Memorial Day will involve more reunions, cemetery markers, stories, and memories.  We all share sadness, love, and joy at those get-togethers.  Summer reunions are also a family tradition — for fun!  Enjoy family on both sides.  Know and remember Heavenly Father’s plan ... made possible by our Savior, Jesus Christ.  I am grateful ... with love.