Thursday, May 30, 2019

Rare Conversation

Neighbors here were actually talking to each other, including strangers, without watching phones or the big-screen TV!  I have seen this happen before, but it is now rare.

As I recall, it was in Baker City Oregon a few years ago where Kay and I ate breakfast near four older farmer buddies, one on each side of a table, having a good time silently focusing on their phones.  It seemed they had met regularly enough so there was nothing new under the sun to share, except what might show up by phone.  I failed to realize they were probably helping each other research innovative methods of farming.

My monthly “party” in our spacious social room last night was a success.  People had prepared and contributed wonderful food without assignments (potluck: “... a chance that whatever is available will prove to be good or acceptable.” — Google)  We had fun conversation and got better acquainted without TV.  A few family photos and stories were shared.

Here in Ogden Utah there is always something “new under the sun”.  Love it.
Enough said.