Sunday, June 2, 2019

Random-access Memory?

Sunday morning — a time to reflect on 
where I came from, 
why I am here, and 
where I am going.

At birth, I could not remember my premortal life; no one can, as I understand it.  I can’t even recall my first five years of life since birth, except nap time in preschool; many surely can, amazingly.  My memories randomly recalled are often just passing thoughts ... quickly sidetracked by others (including people, media, the world we live in).  Recording random memories has helped me — sooner the better; this blog to the world is one of many methods ... usually random, often just for me, assuming no one reads it unless I point it out to someone.  Such is this post, for example, recording memories, but going beyond what is random.

In my youth I learned in ways that leave no doubt — eternal truths I never forget.  They are constant, not random.  In premortal life I lived and loved as a spiritual son of God.  I am here to gain a physical body, belong to a forever family, gain experience and knowledge, receive priesthood ordinances necessary for eternal life, serve others, be tested, and be happy.  I surely know where I want to go and live again with Heavenly Father, family (number one: my wife Kay), and friends — made possible by the grace of Jesus Christ, obedience, good works, and endurance to the end of mortal life.

It’s true, we are blessed with God’s love and comforting constancy amid turbulent change.

Let’s see ... what else do I remember?  A few more non-random memories: school, our first church missions, our wedding and honeymoon almost 48 years ago, the births of our five precious children, their missions and weddings, the additions of grandchildren, our year of service in Michigan, dear friends ... I could write a book.  Now let the random-access memories continue, and maybe they will all fall into place ... along with what I indelibly know to be true.