Friday, December 27, 2019

Christmas Day 2019

My plan was to be home “alone” all day —“just the two of us”, following a wonderful Christmas Eve dinner and program with our oldest family in Kaysville.  However, an invitation from our daughter in the far West to visit them on Christmas Day was compelling.  I realized my sweetheart Kay would want that for the second such celebration since her passing.

For the record, I started the day at 8am by writing two Christmas cards and delivering to close neighbor friends in the main apartment building.  Easily retrieved my old DVD/VCR player from storage there — so exciting; connected to the TV our friend gave me; played a tape, but the movie didn’t show up.  Opened my new emergency radio I ordered online a month ago.  Reminder: Always have a supply of batteries for Christmas!  It worked; listened to fun songs on KSL AM for a change; (normally Classical 89 FM every day).  iPhone texted family and friends, sharing the joy of this day as we celebrated the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Arrived at Katie’s 2pm, where four young children showed me what they got.  Enjoyed a casual buffet lunch, including our traditional breakfast grapefruit — a feast for me.  (Kids had snacked all day, so they just played.)  I finally wrapped presents for everyone, and the family promptly opened them.  Lots of love; very happy!  Life is good.

Back home around 6pm, I lingered in the car, texting family and friends; recovered from the day.  Later in my cozy studio apartment, I listened to my traditional “Lullaby of Christmas” story (1949) narrated by Gregory Peck.  Finally I read Luke 2 in the New Testament — the shepherds “came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger.”  Because of Him, we are blessed to be together forever ... with love.