Saturday, April 25, 2020

Music Appreciation Class

An idea came to me this morning for our children’s home schools.  They are managing well, by the way, and learning a lot every day before going out to play.

I consider as legendary the love my wife Kay & I have for good music.  It certainly played a key role in our courtship and marriage, and it continues to do so.  I believe our five children appreciate it, too.  We hope our grandchildren are developing that love as well, but I often wonder how we can further encourage them as my mother did for me.

A Cincinnati Public Radio broadcast every Saturday morning, Classics for Kids, fascinates and educates me.  Each five-minute program with music and lecture (think of a livelier word) focuses on a composer or topic in a creative, fun way.  (Today’s was “springtime music”.)  They are geared toward children, and the dot-com website has additional content to help parents and teachers.  “Programs can be downloaded as a podcast.”

“It really matters what you listen to. . . .  Select music that will strengthen your spirit.”
— Russell M. Nelson 

We have a window of opportunity.  I am convinced that a daily, seven-minute “music appreciation class” included in our home schools would have lasting value for little children, teens, and generations to come.

granddaughter in the far West, learning piano