Wednesday, May 13, 2020

FH Photos — Happy/Sad

Learning something new about people every day, I heard a young friend feels sad when she sees pictures of loved ones who have passed.  A joyful Christian who believes in life after death, she cannot tolerate the sadness felt when seeing photos of her ancestors who are (in her words) “no longer with us.”  The same applies to pics of deceased family members of her close friends.  Family history, I call it.

So, it’s possible some others similarly feel sad when I am happy to review images of those who are missed.  What do you think?  I learn to be more sensitive to others’ feelings and understand different views.  With regard to that, let caution and patience prevail.  I see additional need for promptings from the Spirit to avoid disturbing.

For years on this blog, I have been posting photos of our loved ones who have passed, especially my forever companion Kay, who brings me joy every day.  Seeing her smile brings back happy memories that help me love life and look forward to our reunion on the other side.  She and others we love are still with us in spirit, not far away.  I am grateful for their influence and Heavenly Father’s plan of happiness.  Family history — how are we doing it?