Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Adagio for Heartstrings

How can I describe the love I feel when hearing the slow, second movement?  Imagine sitting quietly by a warm fireplace on a winter night, close to someone you love, watching the yellow flames dance.  Add the notes of a second movement from a classic such as Beethoven’s Piano Concerto No. 5 (“Emperor”) or Chopin’s Piano Concerto No. 1.  Top that with the indescribable love you both feel for each other.  (Kay & I called it study for Music Appreciation 101.)  Priceless.

That is how I describe my feeling some music evokes.  Worldly cares fade away, replaced by visions of orchestral glory, often with tears of joy.  Am I avoiding tasks at hand or renewing my spirit while slowing down? 

With a favorite second movement, I am treating my heartstrings to an adagio pace for a time.  I am feeling alive again ... with love.