Sunday, March 21, 2021

Music to My Ears

When our 3-year-old granddaughter said, “I love you, Grandpa,” it was music to my ears — an idiom meaning “something that someone is very happy to hear. [For example:] Her words were music to my ears.”


Friday at 4am a train horn reminded me of my fascination with trains, especially the sound in the middle of the night (since I was a young boy with my bedroom window open on summer nights).  That is also music to my ears.

On the other hand (another idiom), piano concertos by Rachmaninoff are literally music to my ears.  And Beethoven’s 5th Symphony I heard this afternoon (performed by the London S O) is just as powerful as it was in our Music Appreciation class when Kay & I studied it together before marriage.  Such music to our ears helped launch a series of unforgettable dates.  My sweetheart & I have “made beautiful music together” ever since then.

Now with all of our children and grandchildren, God’s promise that “families can be together forever” truly is heavenly music to our ears.

Grandmother Cannon's grand upright piano