Thursday, October 31, 2013

Frightful Films, a Nightmare

Has someone or something reminded you lately to write your personal history?  If you haven’t finished it (meaning you’re not walking dead yet), here’s an idea: make a list of Halloween/scary memories you can flesh-out later (oooh, gross!)  I find writing my history by topic works better than writing chronologically.  It’s like the “swiss-cheese method” that makes a project look like bites taken here and there; (think rats, not vampires.)  As I recall from reading the book many years ago, “swiss cheese” is my favorite part of How to Get Control of Your Time and Your Life, a little paperback book by Alan Lakein; (he deserves thumbs-up credit here.)  (OK, I’m trying to control myself.)

(A little chronology here:) <(No, MS-Word, I don’t want a smiley face!  Undo!)

My earliest scary memory is a nightmare  the worst ever.  A huge, menacing black bear in the stormy night sky was reaching down to grab me.  I barely escaped, in spite of my agonizing, slow-motion run across our big backyard on Second Avenue. (Why couldn't I move my legs faster?!  I tried so hard!  Aaaagh!!)  I may have had this dream more than once, never to be forgotten.

“1954 [attraction opened as] Spook House”  This must be the ride I remember at Lagoon (amusement park in Farmington, Utah) – very scary for me at the time!  A classic, shocking, jerky-ride spook alley, totally out of my control.  (page 8 of 42)

Late one night, three days ago, I heard a Halloween special broadcast of Exploring Music on Classical 89 (BYU) radio that told a story of a banshee.  "Demons, Spooks and Other Things That Go Bump In The Night” was presented by the host, Bill McGlaughlin.  This reminded me of a film I saw when I was young, that scared me so much when the banshee appeared, as my younger brother crawled under the theater seat, I wanted to go with him!  “Darby O'Gill and the Little People, a 1959 Walt Disney Productions feature film starring Albert Sharpe, Janet Munro, Sean Connery and Jimmy O'Dea …”
Google defines banshee: “(in Irish legend) a female spirit whose wailing warns of an impending death in a house.” morphs it eerily: “A mythological, female, magical creature that flies all night looking for prey. They feed on people's sadness. They kill by screaming in such a high …”  (Sorry -- this is too scary.)
Naturally (spookily), like everything now, you can watch the scariest part on YouTube:  “The Appearance of the Banshee” with Connery and the old man calling, looking for young Katie, and finally the banshee appearing as the elder found her fallen on the mountain.  “Keep away!  Keep away from her!!”  Imagine it using today’s computer graphics!  Old is “bad” (good and scary) here.  

Another movie, about a dark, scary mansion at night, makes me shudder to this day.  As a tender young boy, I walked with a friend to an old theater in downtown Salt Lake.  I distinctly remember entering late, just as a small box was opened ... with a human head inside!  I was ready to turn around and go home right then!  "House on Haunted Hill is a 1959 American horror film … and stars Vincent Price as eccentric millionaire Frederick Loren.  …"

Get the picture?  Jot down some of yours on a scratch paper or whatever.  For fun! (I could insert a picture here, but it might frighten the little ones.)