Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Here's the Thing

May I digress?  Reverting to an original (2010) purpose of my blog about the English language, this thought intrigued me:

A loyal, old friend of mine likes to talk and introduce statements with, “Here’s the thing.”  He means, “Listen up – what I’m about to tell you is key to my discussion or argument.”  What follows is the essence or kernel, defined as “the central or most important part of something.” 
– Google.  “In a nutshell”, so to speak.

It works for him as the big talker and for me as the big listener (my preference, especially since I lost my voice months ago in Michigan.
It’s coming back.)

So, now that I think about it, here’s the thing:
The introductory alert has value and should not be considered superfluous.

Maybe I will adopt it.

Layton frontier sunrise, 14 August 2010

Kay, loving the oldest child of our youngest

Now, here's the thing!!
Haystack Rock at Cannon B
each, 3 Aug 2012