Thursday, October 18, 2018

Recall Heavy Lifting

Until a wonderful cowboy couple arrived from Wyoming to relieve us, Sister Cannon and I worked in the Michigan Detroit Mission office.  She was over housing, and I was over finance.  I posted this during that temporary assignment:

Monday, October 16, 2017

Last Saturday (preparation day for Sister Cannon and me), we moved a senior couple’s apartment to storage near the mission office.  Actually, the young elders did all the heavy lifting of furniture, not the apartment.  I could do that when I was young.  Now Kay and I are weaker and wiser, overseeing the work and letting the young ones decide how to stack things.  The two that helped us are experienced and better than two men and a truck, lifting the heavy things with a smile.  Moved by the same Spirit, our missionaries lift people spiritually and serve at non-profits in the community.

I drove the pickup truck and trailer without incident despite the rain, following Sister Cannon, who drove her car full of smaller stuff.  (Recalled backing the boat trailer into lakes when I was single.  Did a lot of that.  Good preparation for this mission.  Fun, too!  ... but that's another story.)

Life here in SE Michigan goes on, rain or shine.  Mostly sunny with clouds this autumn.  That’s kind of how life should be in this season of our life.

Sister Cannon, never afraid of hard work