Tuesday, January 21, 2020

“Aches & Pains”

First, I cite the title of a book I found while pondering my aging, aching body — searched the phrase “aches & pains” and got it on Wikipedia as first result: ... a self-help book (1999) by Irish writer Maeve Binchy, which looks interesting with humor.  That may be as far as I go with Binchy, unless I see Aches & Pains in a thrift store or on Kindle @ 99 cents.  However, it would be worth a search at the library I like to visit.

Secondly, I won’t burden you with details of my joint pain, digestive discomfort, headaches, or heartaches.  My running up stairs is usually exhilarating, but needs moderating now that I’m older.  And yes, I still miss my sweetheart Kay, my forever young bride who helps me endure the pains and celebrate our life together.  It’s good to know she is not far away.

Young people especially should be grateful for health and freedom.  In recent years, I’ve learned that we are not immortal as some youngsters think.  We pay a price for neglect and lack of proper care.  Eat healthy food; exercise your body, mind, and spirit.  Be safe.  Repent daily, be grateful, and keep smiling!

I thank Heavenly Father for my health and mobility.  Aches & pains are temporary.  My angel wife Kay & I are truly blessed.  Life is good ... forever, with love.

Kay visiting our older friend in North Ogden

reminder hanging in our frontier home
"... the best is yet to be ..." – so true!