Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Too Many Pictures?

A healthy balance in life is good.  However, “moderation in all things” may be good or bad (moderate indulgence in sin?)

Take my “OC photography” (as I joke about it), for example.  The truth is, I don’t let it take over my life, but actually do other things between picture taking.  By the way, practicing moderation and decorum (“appropriate, polite behavior in society”) is an essential part of my habit.

I smile, recalling my sweetheart Kay’s occasional, correct observation, “You take too many pictures.”  I see it as “practice makes perfect” and my way of letting go of things, reducing my stuff to digital storage.  My “OCP” also serves as a hedge against memory loss; (“where did I park my car?” for example).  If I can just learn to manage the iCloud ...

Kay's cookbooks in frontier home