Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Kay’s 17th on The 29th

It was fun!

My young bride Kay & I waited four years for her 17th birthday, which was last Saturday the 29th (leap year).

Her afternoon party was a success!!  Family, friends, and neighbors enjoyed catered food, cake, and Farr Better Ice Cream.  We all sang “Happy Birthday”.  Little children got balloons on long strings for a trip to the high ceiling of our social room.  (My assistant did a remarkable job with attention to detail.)  I shared some of Kay’s history via Google Slides presentations.  No doubt she was smiling and having fun on the other side ... with us.  Our Kay deserved it!

Tonight I finished clearing out cake, ice cream, and balloons.  So, today was another “Tuesday with Kay” ... and forever love.

Kay's famous fruit dessert pizza pie
(only imagined at her 17th birthday party)