Saturday, November 14, 2020

All One Word

Last Tuesday I got this idea from Exploring Music, a favorite radio program I hear online.

(“Our website address is ExploringMusic, all one word, dot WFMT dot com.”)

Likewise of course, LanguageFastFood is one word in my Blogspot URL.  For a Gmail address of mine, it goes without saying: ProLanguageEdit.

For example, serving an older demographic ("people aged 65 and over"), I often teach, “FamilySearch is one word.”  Our “Ogden FamilySearch Center” across the street (closed since temporary shutdown last March) is three words and wants to open soon!

In Michigan, my forever companion Kay & I served as self-reliance missionaries, among other duties.  Another example: well-being is all one word, hyphenated.  Wishing you well, being positive we will pass the test.