Saturday, November 7, 2020

Sensible Portions

Waking up late from a nap, I divert from the usual schedule and share my midnight madness.  (Was it a freight train, police siren, or my fridge that woke me?)  I feel blessed with sensible portions of sleep, comfort food, music, and work to do — just a few of my favorite things.  (For example, I credit a fun snack, Garden Veggie Straws, for this Fast Food title, as the big bag suggests not eating it all at once.)

For my needs, some good things are sensibly limited to nearly nothing, leaving room for things I prefer.  News, TV, movies, social media, chili, soda, pop music — tiny portions satisfy.  (Remember, this is just my “shared journal”.)  Other things come in larger portions of one-hour church, two-hour symphony concerts, half-hour walks, three hours of reading (including snack breaks), casserole, cranberry juice, hours of editing, loving memories of Kay, time with family and friends.  That lifestyle makes sense for me.

What are sensible portions of food, fun, family and friends for you?

sensible suggestion for good health