Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Slowing Down

Fact: It’s happening in my “old age”.  Realizing more so this year, I enjoy slowing down enough to ponder, read, write, play great music, walk, notice nature, and connect with people.  For these I am grateful to God.

Blessing: It helps me remember and feel close to my sweetheart Kay, who influences me for good.  She represents Christlike love to me.

Need: It feels great to run up and down stairs here at the apartments, but I must be more careful and maybe slow down.  Fast bike rides by Ogden River and railroad are invigorating, but cold air calls for taking it easy and enjoying the scenery along the way.  Slowing down may be good for everyone this month, as you know.

"Waters ripple and flow" through Ogden River Parkway