Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Slower Down South

Someone asked, “Can the slower pace we started last year be maintained? What did we gain by spending more time at home with family and close friends?”  Thanksgiving this year was slower for me with a trip to southern Utah I will never forget.  And no rush to finish the holiday dinner, lovingly prepared by our children.

Taking my time driving down to Kanab last week and back to Bountiful this week was my way of enjoying the scenery and history along Highway 89.  Spending time with family during five days at our daughter’s home was a dream come true, including three nights alone in a nearby hotel.

Small-town life in the West is refreshingly slow compared to New York City, which Kay & I enjoyed as tourists, and dear old Detroit, where we served a full-time mission.  We also treasure our visits to family in Arizona, comparable to Kanab.  I am grateful for blessings that accompany a slower pace in life ... with love.