Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Add to Story

Life is a continuous story ... of time well spent or wasted.  Apparently some folks have theirs on facebook, where I see (after “What’s on your mind?”) the option/invitation: “Add to Story”.  (Can someone tell me how that works?)

Let’s see ... what can I add that isn’t already posted here since October 2010?  Last weekend, for example — what happened since Friday morning’s post.

I worked through the 13th at home, wondering “what challenges our grandkids will face in the next two decades”; (texted a loyal friend as my iPhone added to my story).

Saturday noon at the end of a Family Discovery activity and Snipping Tool class, I served three flavors of Farr Better Ice Cream in our new Ogden FamilySearch Center kitchen.  A favorite fast food and two popular gathering places across the street from our home (a “whole ’nother” story).  Then our daughter brought her twin boys to our Colonial Court social room for pool and leftover ice cream while a neighbor from St. George watched BYU play on the big screen; (who knows the score?)  Later a siesta, I think, or should have done.  And music appreciation ... with harmonious thoughts of our dear Kay, who is not far away.

Sunday was uplifting at church from morning til 6pm — the usual story, including family history workshop (unusual with the new schedule and guidelines this year) plus a quiet hour with my laptop on WiFi.

Family home evening here Monday had the usual group discussion on the upcoming lesson from the New Testament; the “linger longer” afterward was “dinner” I can always count on.  ( I’m not cooking much this year — need a class on that).

What have you added to your story?