Monday, September 30, 2019

Q3 Report

How can I account for my use of time during the last three months?  July, August, and September were a unique third quarter for me, like I have never experienced before 2019.  The same applies to the previous three years — each Q3 being different, extraordinary.

Q3-2016 was J&J Nursery work for me and the start of my wife Kay’s final year of teaching 11th-grade English.  The next August 14th, we began our 23-month MLS (member & leader support) assignment to Detroit for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  Q3-2018 involved the end of that MDM part of our mission and set the stage to begin our new “assignments” to help people on both sides.  All three quarters were unique and outside our comfort zone.

So, what happened this July through August that made my life different than previous years?  Married life: Kay & I now serve in separate areas of missionary work — a new experience for both of us as a close couple ... with heightened sensitivity to the Spirit.  I need to review my iPhone Notes and PC Notepad before reporting details, as my memory is failing with old age.  However, powerful feelings and impressions are easier to remember; many are recorded, never to be forgotten ... with tears of love.
(To be continued.)

How do you account for your Q3 ending today?