Friday, October 4, 2019

My Glossary

A few words, but mostly terms and proper nouns (naming specific things, thus requiring capitalization).
The purpose of this shared glossary (brief dictionary) is to provide a reliable reference for spelling ... and possibly for meaning if added later.  ( I frequently search spelling and definitions online; years ago I wore out my paperback dictionary, which lacked many special terms and proper nouns.)

linger longer  (local lingo, I suspect, more often with YSA) “Young singles like informal linger longers after two hours of Sunday meetings.”

potluck  (defined in a recent LFF post; may be used as an adjective or noun)

church  (lowercase c) “We went to church in the meetinghouse, and we enjoyed it at home throughout the week.”

Church  (with capital C) “Disaster relief is provided by the Church.”

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints  (with capital T and lowercase d as hyphenated)

Ogden Utah Temple  (across the street from my home)

FamilySearch (one word with capital S)

Ogden FamilySearch Center  (across the street from the temple and open to the public)

Family History Library  (west of the Salt Lake Temple and open to the public)

copies of the Book of Mormon  (not “Books of M...”)

the Bible  (one of four standard works considered sacred scripture by the Church)

high councilor  (not “high councilman”) “The stake president assigned a high councilor to speak in our ward.”

Mutual  (historical proper noun, now “retired”) “My wife Kay & I served the youth of the Church in Mutual.”


storytelling  (one word)

smartphone  (one word) “My PC laptop on WiFi will put my glossary in alphabetical order, as my smartphone is not working that well on Blogger.”