Thursday, December 29, 2016

Old Year Passes

Our halls are still decked as "fast away the old year passes ...".

Maybe some things should pass, too ... for thrift-store shoppers to treasure and enjoy in the New Year.  I can be content with memories and digital photos safely archived (pics, that is – not so sure about my memory).  And it always does my heart good to share useful stuff with others.  In fact, this year I suggested free yard sales, like barter ("synonyms: trade, swap, exchange" – G.) ... e.g., "they bartered VHS tapes for PVC pipe" – I can do that. So far, no one seems interested, like they're set with all the used stuff they will ever need.  Unbelievable.  However, I understand Kay's thinking (at my age) we actually need to get rid of some, not just trade.  (Time to read Walden and Marie's magic tidiness again to feel joy next year.  But not on this lunch break.)

How can I part with this useful beauty?  (JVC audio tape deck from DI)
Sad to say, "They don't build 'em like they used to."

Last year, a family member said this was out of style.  But it still keeps me warm!

Ned saving daughter's art and maintaining grandkids' basement playground

A favorite VHS discarded, only because it broke

Go figure!

This isn't all – we have more books to go.