Monday, August 12, 2019

Fragments of Family History

Randomly recalling a few family memories ... (another work in progress) ...

Late-night, family camping beside the highway near Arches NP, Utah. 

Police breaking up our neighbors’ scary marital fight in a California KOA campground — middle of the night!  Otherwise peaceful, family trip up the coast from Tijuana to the Redwoods.

Our ancient, indestructible, heavy-duty push mower inherited from my father ... and the awesome power mower Kay bought for me (Father’s Day?) to replace it in East Mill Creek (large lawn in back).  Self-propelled Snapper, adding power to the boys’ Mowtown enterprise ... for years.

The sleek VCR Kay bought (1982?) for me (family, of course), ending her embarrassment of my renting clunky machines from the video store.

Summer “sunrise celebrations” — our family tradition I have mentioned before.

Kay’s energy, talent, and love for entertaining in our remodeled, expanded EMC home.  Sweet, unforgettable neighbors and friends there, where we raised our five children.  Kind, loving bishops in the EMC 2nd Ward of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Two homes as places of refuge in beautiful Mountain Green and the new Highlands Ward.  Our picture-window view of storm clouds rolling over the mountain tops above rural Morgan Valley.

our Hinckley Family celebrating
150 years of Cove Fort