Saturday, August 17, 2019

Main Takeaway

The past twelve months of life experiences have provided conclusions or key messages for me to ponder and understand.  (My “takeaway” here is not to be confused with a strategic "takeaway" in negotiations.)

Circumstances change, come, and go, but a loving relationship can keep growing through it all with proper attention.  (My words are weak, to be improved through editing.)

The main takeaway for me is that the power of love is real — God’s infinite love foremost, my love for our Kay, and the love shared by family and friends.  Securely coupled with love is our knowledge that we are together forever.

Comfort and strength to carry on — common words with extraordinary meaning to me now.  I have not lost my wife, and our children still have their mother and grandmother.

There is no end to Kay’s nurturing influence.  My love for her ... can I ever describe?  There is no end to God’s love for His children.  Our faith in the Savior gives strength and joy.

our view of Cannon Beach (farthest)
from Ecola Park, 3 August 2012

Grandma Kay with 8-yr-old grandson
on roof of Conference Center, Salt Lake City